Apostrophe or no apostrophe, that is the question.

Did you consider that conduct to be in violation of any Jaspers policies or procedures?

Jaspers is the name of the company.

Did he report to any Jaspers employees throughout the rest of his tenure at Jaspers?

I told them that there were allegations made from Jaspers management, and I would just like to talk to them.

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Replies to This Discussion

It's Jaspers' policy. They own it, so it's possessive.

It's funny you use Kmart and Denise uses Target. I use Big Bear, because that was a major grocery chain in Ohio where I'm from.
And Jasper is my dog's name. I just put it in there as plural to protect the "innocent."
Tona, Jasper is my cat's name! LOL
(Not commenting on the main Q here because it's been answered.)
Jasper is an Australian Cattle dog.


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