I do case management, which is medical management and vocational, but yes.


I do case management, which is medical management and vocational, but, yes.


I do case management, which is medical management and vocational but, yes.

I seem to have a lot of people anwering "but, yes."

If it's just the answer, I have the tendency to do

A But, yes.

Is that wrong too?


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I hate it when people do that. So irritating. I struggle with it too. This Chicago Manual of Style rule might help:
5.196 Punctuating interjections. An exclamation mark usually follows an interjection {Oh no!} or the point where the strong feeling ends {Oh no, I’ve forgotten the assignment!}. A comma follows oh only when a natural pause occurs {Oh yes!} {Oh, my new books!}

I don't think it's necessary, basically. Who knows if I'm right, though.
Rule? "Yes" is surrounded by commas. A comma is needed before the but in that context. So I do ", but, yes."
I'm thinking the "yes" isn't used as an interjection like we normally see it, like "But, yes, I do like commas." It's more like "But 'yes' is the answer."
I guess it depends on how you hear it too. I often hear that pause, "but (pause) yes." Your CMOS are used with exclamation points, something CRs don't do.

Does Morson's address "yes" and "no" in this sort of instance? I just put no stock in CMOS in this sort of thing. It doesn't address transcripts, per se. It has the liberty and luxury of showing emotion.

Also, I think this is one where you need to go with what your eye is happy with. My eye would be stopping and my hand grabbing a red pen. :) IOW, I'm not sure that strict right or wrong really applies here.
I have the tendency to want to surround but w/commas as well. But it kind of looked "wrong" to me, but that's what I want to do. I guess we get nervous when we see that many commas.
[[ I do case management, which is medical management and vocational, but yes. ]]

The "which clause" must have a comma on both sides.

"but yes," there is no reason for the comma. It is totally different than this example, which does need a comma:
"I do medical management, yes."

How about this example: "I do case management but yes."

I say no comma at all. There's two reasons: (1) less is more and (2) there is no "reason" or "rule" that requires a comma.
"Yes, there is a comma there."

Is that sentence punctuated properly?

"Yes, because there is a comma in the proper place and no additional superfluous commas are thrown in."

But I believe it wouldn't be cringingly incorrect with no comma in there. Or maybe it's that it's not cringingly incorrect WITH the comma! I'm not sure either!
ms wells says when the witness answers "yes" you put a period there.
basic rule: put a period for anything that stands for a complete thought.
Q Did you know him?
A Yes, I knew him. answer echos question, use comma
A Yes. I worked with him. answer does not echo question, use period.
Ms. Wells said in her Saturday seminar "but and because make no difference in the periods or
in the commas"
Q Have you seen this before?
A Yes. But I don't remember where.
A No. Because it was made by Jim.

Rule: Put a period where the witness answeres the question ( even if it is a gragment).
Add the rest as a separate sentence.
Ms. Wells has taught court reporting, has been a court reporting student, and has a degree
in logistics (grammar). she has a new book coming out soon called: Bad Grammar/ Good Punctuation.
I was taught in Court Reporting School that exclamation points do NOT go in transcripts, because it
shows the court reporter's interpretation of what was being said as opposed to just the words.

and remember some of those books are written for newspapers and colleges not court reporters.
(i'm not saying yours is, Marla, but like the Gregg reference is)
sorry, typo,


(couldn't get the "edit" function to work.)


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