By the way, I just got my Diamante in the mail, and have been having fun setting it up.

I'm directing my question to this group, because I assume you're experienced CC users.

Does anyone know how to transfer a dictionary from one computer to another?  I had to use my daughter's computer while mine was in the shop.  I just spent several hours (on her computer) going through 5000 updates and putting them into my personal dictionary.  Now I'm trying to copy that dictionary into my regular laptop.  I've been using the backup and restore feature.  However, when I look at the personal dictionary (in the computer I've restored it to) it still shows the old version. 

Any ideas?  I can call Stenograph tomorrow, unless someone knows how to do this.

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Okay, I think they don't give you directions in the manual or help file because it's kind of bad if you screw up. You have to delete your personal dictionary from your system files case before you can restore the new dictionary from your thumb drive, etc.  Of course I still had it on the other computer, and I had it on the thumb drive, but because of some garbage system files cases with old versions of my personal dictionary I had trouble getting it to work.  I had to delete those first and it was finally successful.  Whew.


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