So kids have the cutest way of saying things and of course we've got to share them.

So if your little darling is at the talking or lisping stage, and they say something you just can't keep to yourself, please post it here. I'm sure we'll enjoy it as much as you.

So to start us off.

My daughter is a picky eater. Very picky. Sometimes I think she exists on bread and cheese. Basically all the white foods. Anyway, I'm always making food that she doesn't like or thinks she doesn't like. And I tell her, you can have seconds of what you do like when you take at least one bite of everything on your plate. Well, one day she starts calling it the welcome bite.

So now I ask her if she wants a "welcome bite." I don't know. For some reason, it strikes me as hilarious.

Kid vocabulary
sloop = soup

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Replies to This Discussion

I've got one. My son loved Aladdin when he was younger. When he was three years old, he used to say, "I'm free years old." When we were at my mother's house watching Aladdin one night, the part where the Genie is freed and says, "I'm Free!!" my son jumped up with his hands in the air and said, "I'm free, too!" Gotta love those moments! For me, I miss those moments. My son is 18 now, full-time college student who just enlisted in the Navy.
Don't you love it? I made little notes when they were small so I would remember these goodies:
Bathing "soups" for "suits," "Bear Creep Park" for "Bear Creek Park," etc. Then there is one precious notes from my daughter from when we got a puppy who wrote "Mommy, Sweet Pea peed on the flore and it was This Big" with a little diagram. I'll save that one forever! I love the "welcome bite," that one should be in the dictionary. My son also used to call people "lubricans," for some reason, and we still use it sometimes, even though he is 17. Thanks for the post, Kyung.
Oh, that reminds me. My daughter calls her bathing suit a baling suit. So cute!!!
Pink chicken, I love it. I should have tried calling it that and maybe mind would have eaten it. I have another one about mine when they were little. When I was on the phone and they were old enough to write, my daughter would write me notes about what was happening. I kept this note she wrote our new puppy. She wrote "Sweet Pea pp'd on the floor this big" and drew a little picture of a puddle.
My three children are grown now. I had them back to back: my daughter was 11 months old when my identical twin sons were born. For 3 1/2 weeks in January, all three were the same age. Anyway, it was a dark rainy day and I pulled an all-dayer and decided to grab dinner on the run. Got home, put dinner in the oven, and then I picked up the kids from daycare. When we were in the kitchen, I said, "Mommy's got a surprise for you. Look," and I opened the oven door. My 4-year-old son Andrew took a peek and screamed, "Yea, Mommy got fucky fried chicken!"

To this day, it still makes me laugh.
I was baking cookies with my daughter (she was six at the time) during the Christmas holiday season. She said, "You know what, Mommy? Mallory doesn't celebrate Christmas." I said, "She doesn't?"
"Nope," she said, "she celebrates harmonica."
I know I'm a little late on this discussion, but I just HAD to throw something in.

My daughter, a new five-year-old, is quite "spirited". The other day, I say to her: Chloe, go ahead and get your pajamas on, Sugar Booger, to which she replies to her seven-year-old brother: Cade, Mommy's talking to you too, because I'm the Sugar and you're the Booger!

DEFINITELY one of my faves!! LOL

Kid vocabulary:

diggidenias = gardenias
owie = Chloe
yaya = Cade

Another very insightful comment from a five year old, during all the fires out west, and all the rain here in Florida: Mommy, if God just tips the planet just a bit, all our rain will run down to the fires and put it all out and we'll all be happy and safe. ( We could all learn something from kids, eh??)


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