Help! I am in the process of trying to find a word. The sentence is as follows: 1112 Lakeview -- sewer, septic or sleach(?)? The word sleach/sleech is very clear on my audio. Hopefully someone will be familiar with the term and find it before I do. Thanks. Could it be a pronunciation issue?

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Drop the (s). Leach line. ??
You are quick. Thank you. I always like to have at least two sources of info before I make a decision. The "s" in sleach is clear as day on the audio as well as my notes; so at this point I am going to sic it.
I think the attorney misspoke and wanted to say "leach." I contacted a plumbing professional who said that he has never heard of the term "sleach." I don't want to sic it unless I am absolutely sure.
My first thought was leach also. Fits with the context.
Thanks for the confirmation.


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