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Comment by K. D. Nick on August 3, 2012 at 9:01

I am looking for a sometimes scopist, sometimes proofreader, depending on the job.  I am on Eclipse Version 4. 

I do have Version 5, just haven't switched over.  I do have some work now, but will be going on vacation from Aug 14 until Sept. 7 and need to catch up.  Experienced only, please, as my work can be very technical but not always.

Email me at  I have a 200-page plaintiff video depo that needs proofing. 


Comment by James Ensworth on August 1, 2012 at 10:30

Total Eclipse Scopist, both Version 5 and Version 4.  Dropbox Remote Scoping; 20+ years of experience with depositions, 15+ years of experience with federal court and California state court transcripts, daily trials, instant delivery depos; technical, patent, medical; prompt, professional and reliable; high-speed internet; notereading, research, excellent language skills; references.  I do not charge extra to listen to your audio file, and my rates include proofreading.

Comment by Kendra on July 30, 2012 at 12:41

I am a Case Catalyst scopist with six years of experience currently looking for reporters in need of assistance. I offer the ability to read steno, reasonable rates, attention to detail and excellent research skills. Please contact me at 918-261-3050, or

Comment by Darice Russell on July 30, 2012 at 11:09

Case CATalyst Scopist accepting work.  Please email me at or visit my website:

Reasonable rates and turnaround timeframes. 

Comment by Lori Hugill on July 25, 2012 at 17:28

Former Official Reporter for the U.S. House of Representatives (2001-2011) and final editor of the Congressional Record (2010-2011) now available for scoping and/or proofreading.  

Graduate of Bryan College of Court Reporting,1987; education and experience in English grammar/punctuation, medical and law terminology; top 1 percent on the California CSR exam; freelance deposition reporter in all areas of court reporting (1987-2001).  Former CSR/RPR.

Proficient on Case Catalyst with audiosync.  Competitive rates, quick turnaround, no reproof needed.  

Please email

Comment by James Ensworth on July 25, 2012 at 17:12

Total Eclipse Scopist, both Version 5 and Version 4.  Dropbox Remote Scoping; 20+ years of experience with depositions, 15+ years of experience with federal court and California state court transcripts, daily trials, instant delivery depos; technical, patent, medical; prompt, professional and reliable; high-speed internet; Whalemail; notereading, research, excellent language skills; references.  I do not charge extra to listen to your audio file, and my rates include proofreading.

Comment by Dawn Cancel on July 18, 2012 at 16:24

Hi, My name is Dawn Cancel.  I live in Toms River NJ.  I reported many years ago and retired my license to start a family. Now, at 42, I am interested in looking into scoping or proofreading in  my area.  I did my own transcripts but have no clue how to get started in the field at this later time? Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...I can work from home full time and look forward to hearing from someone w/info!! Thanks!! :)

Comment by Denise Wallace on July 15, 2012 at 18:51

I am excited that my new website is up and running. If you need a scopist, please bookmark my site and contact me. Thanks.

Comment by Lori Hugill on July 7, 2012 at 5:45

Former Official Reporter for the U.S. House of Representatives (2001-2011) and final editor of the Congressional Record (2010-2011) now available for scoping and/or proofreading.  

Graduate of Bryan College of Court Reporting,1987; education and experience in English grammar/punctuation, medical and law terminology; top 1 percent on the California CSR exam; freelance deposition reporter in all areas of court reporting (1987-2001).  Former CSR/RPR.

Proficient on Case Catalyst with audiosync.  Competitive rates, quick turnaround, no reproof needed.  

Please email

Comment by Adasha Knight on July 6, 2012 at 17:36
My sister is a very busy reporter needing a second scopist. She uses ECLIPSE and prefers someone in Texas. She is very, very detail oriented, a perfectionist, but is very sweet. Please email me at with your experience, typical availability, types of jobs you accept/turnaround, rates, and preferred methods of communication. Thanks!!!
Comment by Diana Guzman on July 2, 2012 at 21:37

I need a scopist asap!  I have job that I need back by Wednesday.  It's a little bit over 100 pages.  It's a videotaped deposition of a Lutheran Church president.  The case is about a pastor who molested a minor.  I need someone who can do this job for me. I've got too much work right now.  I'm working on other jobs. 

I've got caseCAT4.

Please e-mail me your rates to



Comment by Chandra Troupe on June 22, 2012 at 8:01

My name is Chandra Troupe, and I am a scopist on Total Eclipse. I have received training at Best Scoping Techniques. My punctuation and grammar skills are good, and I am a hard worker. My rates are reasonable and I tailor each transcript to meet the individual needs of the reporter. If you have work, I am available. Contact me by phone at 678-815-4645 or by email at Looking forward to your call.

Comment by Meagan Jacobs on June 21, 2012 at 18:55

I'm looking for a brave reporter who will give a first time scopist a chance! I am currently only familiar with audio, but I will try other work. If you have the time, I will put forth the effort!


Thank you,

Meagan J.

Comment by Veronica Sampson on June 19, 2012 at 9:23

I have been scoping for over a year now on StenoCat 32 and have come to love my job! I'm currently working with a few reporters but I'd like to work with an additional reporter or two.

I have experience doing depositions, trials, interviews and discovery jobs. I'm a stickler for spelling and won't hesitate to look up facts to ensure that your transcript gets back to you in the best shape possible. I have a general turnaround time of 3-5 days for non-rush jobs and I'm available for expedites and dailies as well. I've never sent a job back late to any of my reporters and really prefer to get them back to you as soon as possible.

I really enjoy my job, so if you are in need of any help during this busy season in the court, please consider me. If you would like more information, such as rates or references, call or email me and I would be happy to provide them to you.

Thank you,
Veronica S.
(757) 784-5423

Comment by Debi Rodgers on June 19, 2012 at 7:47

Hey Y'all!!

Thanks for letting me use this site to post...every little bit helps!!..I have been in the scoping business for almost 20 years...I do depos as well as official court transcripts, long-terms and overflow, former CR student, well versed in English, excellent grammar and punctuation skills, paralegal/legal secretary in all areas of law, reasonable rates, very fast turnaround, references available on request.  I use DigitalCAT software.  I also use Express Scribe to support audio files.

Thanks a bunch!!

Debi Rodgers
DKR Scoping Unlimited
P.O. Box 6282
Longview, Texas 75608
PH: 903-649-0827

Comment by Deby on June 19, 2012 at 7:41

When posting, would be helpful to know what software scopist uses.

Comment by Jessie Edwards on June 13, 2012 at 10:50

Six-year Case CAT scopist available for work.  I use Morson's as a reference.  If you prefer a different source, I'm happy to accommodate you.  I am reliable, dependable, pay attention to detail, and have a great work ethic.  I strive for no more than a four-day turnaround.  I do work on weekends and some holidays.  My rates are definitely reasonable.  I'm happy to provide references upon request.  Please contact me if you'd like more info.

Comment by Gail Spence Abshire on June 13, 2012 at 10:46

I've been a full-time scopist for 12 years, working with reporters for many years prior to that as a transcriptionist and proofreader.  Case CATalyst.  Reasonable rates.  Good turnaround times.  Dependable. 

Gail Abshire



Comment by Cecelia Iradi on June 12, 2012 at 11:19

Hi, my name is Ceil, I am a retired certified court reporter in NJ. I use Case Catalyst and am looking to do some scoping. After 43 years, I still love the profession, just can't go out to work anymore. Please call me at 973-964-6300 or email me at  I have experience in court room, depositions, State Board of Mediation hearings, expert witnesses and criminal.


Comment by Nancy Illian on June 12, 2012 at 9:39

Hello! I am a semi-retired legal secretary (for over 30 years) who has been trying her hand at audio transcription, proofreading and scoping since 2011. So far I've been very successful and thoroughly enjoy the work! I'd love to work with anyone who is willing to put their transcript into Microsoft Word, as I do not have CAT equipment. I have a good command of the English language and an old fashioned work ethic. I would be pleased to work with you on any overflow transcription, scoping or proofreading assignments you may have. I can be reached at Have a great day and thanks in advance for your consideration!

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