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Comment by Cary Blue LaTurno on April 6, 2023 at 12:31

I am looking for an Eclipse scopist.  Please send experience and references to

I have been reporting for 31 years.  I am a clean writer.  I have excellent audio equipment by Martel for remote jobs, which are all I take. The sound is awesome.  

E-mail me and let's make some money.


Comment by Nancy Roy on January 31, 2023 at 17:41

Looking for some editing in Procat.  I have been working on Procat for years!  I was a paralegal for many years and we did a lot of depositions.   I got to know the reporter and started editing instead.  I took off some time when I lost my husband to cancer in 2018 but I am back to work and would like to pick up some pages.  Nancy Roy,   405-826-4557.  Thanks!

Comment by APG Court Reporting on January 24, 2023 at 9:07

Needing to put together a realteam asap.  I started an arbitration and they informed me walking in the door that they want dailies, at the least a clean rough draft.  If you have experience with Realteam or doing complex expedited transcripts, please email me.


Comment by Kim Kyle on January 17, 2023 at 1:47

Experienced Case Catalyst scopist looking to add another reporter to my client roster. Punctual, reliable, and I will scope to your personal preferences.

Please contact me at: and check out my website at: I look forward to working with you!

Comment by Lia Coppedge on January 4, 2023 at 11:51
Comment by Rhonda McDougal on November 30, 2022 at 4:33

Graduate of BeST Scoping Techniques. I enjoy research and will scope your jobs with care and on time. Also available to proofread in software or PDF. My software is Eclipse.

Please email me at

Comment by Kim Kyle on October 31, 2022 at 13:14

Experienced Case Catalyst scopist looking to add another reporter to my client roster.  Punctual, reliable, and I will scope to your preferences.  I've worked as a magazine editor and I'm a summa cum laude graduate of the University of San Francisco.

Please contact me at: and check out my website at: ; I look forward to working with you!

Comment by Sarah Skye on October 21, 2022 at 12:44 

Click here to visit my website.

Comment by Krissten Bischof on September 22, 2022 at 11:33

Hi! I'm a reporter in California.  I have been since 1996.  When Covid came, I started working more from home since I had a young daughter. I have been scoping for the same reporter for about five years now. I also do transcription work. I recently started scoping for a reporter that works in court. I am looking for additional scoping work on Stenocat. I have experience with all types of depositions and am getting more familiar with court proceedings. If you are on Stenocat and need help, please contact me! Krissten Bischof

Comment by Kim Kyle on May 26, 2022 at 14:42

Case Catalyst scopist looking to add another reporter to my client roster. I’ve worked as a magazine editor and I’m a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of San Francisco. Punctual and reliable. 

Please contact me at: and check out my website at I look forward to working with you!

Comment by Carmelita Lee on May 23, 2022 at 5:33

Actually, I LIVE overseas, not love (although I do love it here).  Seeking one or two reporters who could keep me busy.  nothing too complex, too large or too small.  (see what I wrote below.)

Comment by Carmelita Lee on May 23, 2022 at 5:31

38 year federal reporter, sorta retired, but seeking scoping work on Case Catalyst.  I love overseas now, so your night is my day, and I can have your transcript out by morning if needs be.  I have done everything, including realteam, I listen to every word of your sound file (even if you think you don't need it) I will work weekends and nights, expedites and so on.  write me at or call my USA number at 1-480-299-5285.  Thanks, Carm

Comment by Cathy Pepper, CRR, RMR on April 22, 2022 at 8:25

I am looking for an experienced Case Catalyst scoper to work for an official reporter who does RealTeam, and then can also use FTR recordings when I have regular scoping jobs.  Email me at  Only one P in Pepper for my email address.

Comment by Ann Cafarchio on March 27, 2022 at 12:03

Case CATalyst scopist available to work with one or two court reporters or to help with overflow work. If you have any questions or would like to see about working together, feel free to email me at or check out my website for more information. Thank you!

Comment by Deb Vance on March 16, 2022 at 15:37

Looking to retire from reporting and try scoping.  I am on Eclipse 10. Please contact me and we can talk about what you're looking for and the kind of work that you have and your writing skills.  I have been reporting for 22 years and looking to slow down and enjoy Florida life. But I have had experience in expert witnesses, arbitrations, some court work, not a lot, but I know how to put together a transcript. You can contact me at or text or call 413-530-0815. Thanks for looking.

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on March 15, 2022 at 7:52

I am a professional Eclipse (latest version) scopist looking to take on one more full-time court reporter.  I have five years of scoping experience doing depositions, Connection Magic, trials, highly technical work and everything in between, as well as 13 years of medical transcription experience.  I'm easy to get along with and will integrate your preferences as requested.  Please feel free to contact me at  I look forward to hearing from you!

Comment by Arleen Duckat on February 25, 2022 at 8:01

Hello Reporters,   I am an experienced ex-CSR living in Oceanside, CA, trained in L.A., SCOPING 12 years for reporters.  I use CASE CAT..  II'm familiar with all areas of civil litigation, have a great vocabulary, excellent punctuation skills.  I am conscientious, meticulous & prompt.   I will work on weekends, take expedites.  I'm looking for whatever work you have with reporters from anywhere.   Please e-mail me at or call 619.750.2339.    Thank you.  Arleen Duckat

Comment by Carmelita Lee on January 20, 2022 at 10:36

37 years experience, former federal court reporter, ready to scope your hard work.  I live overseas, so I can work while you sleep... contact me for rates and for your preference sheet.  I look forward to taking on some new clients, nothing to hard or too long.

Comment by Bob Moser on January 11, 2022 at 5:46

Hello, Friends:

It's time once again for me to declare my interest in bringing on a CaseCAT reporter or two as we head fully into Winter and the New Year

I have been in the court reporting business since 1998, and have worked as a reporter and mostly as a scoper.  I have excellent rates and I pay full attention to every job.  I look up terms, I communicate with you as to your needs.  I enjoy what I do.

I am on the East Coast, but I have reporters in the Midwest, the West Coast, and in Washington, D.C.

I would be grateful if you checked me out.

Most non-daily jobs are $1.25 per page.  Video, daily, and rush jobs are $1.50... as are some very technical jobs.

I would love to hear from you.


Comment by Carolyn Maiorana on January 9, 2022 at 8:40

Hello.  I am a scopist/proofreader with 40 plus years experience and specialize in med/mal cases, on CC, and I have an opening for a reporter who might need my help.  I am in California.  Please contact me at if I can help you with your transcripts and for my rates.  Thank you.

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