Cindy Bennett
  • Female
  • Philomath, OR
  • United States
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Cindy Bennett's Friends

  • Kimberly McLain
  • Debbie Schwarm
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 9:36 on July 20, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Test testing test
At 17:19 on July 14, 2009, Robin H. Owens said…
I need help!!!
At 14:45 on July 14, 2009, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Ahhhh, thanks! =) I did look at some of them a little while back. There are some that aren't soo good and some that are. But you know what's sad is, EVERYONE does exactly what I'm doing....sending a note to all their friends and family telling them to vote, so in a sense, it's not really fair. So I figure just to make it even with all the other people that will vote that aren't coerced, I need some help too. Right? If only the "general" public voted with everyone else telling people to vote for their's, Olivia wouldn't have a chance =)
Are you on Facebook? I spend much more time on there and have a ton of pics of Olivia. Look me up, if so, so you can see her recent pics =)
At 5:43 on July 14, 2009, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Really??? Or are you just saying that because you're partial =)
Thanks so much. You're very sweet. I need to put some recent pics on here. I'm not on here that much. Hope you're doing well!!
At 20:47 on July 1, 2009, Kimberly McLain said…
Let's try next Tues. the 7th. I don't have anything scheduled as of today. Where should we meet? Any place is fine with me. I'll check back with you on Monday to make sure we are still on.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Take care.
At 21:23 on June 30, 2009, Kimberly McLain said…
Meeting for coffee or soda sounds great. Let me know what days and time. I will see if I can work it out with my schedule.
At 8:26 on June 29, 2009, Kimberly McLain said…
Hi Cindy
Nice to meet a neighbor! I have been in Salem for 2-1/2 years now and really love it. I have only been working since December and very sporadically. I use Stenocat. I am working with C&L Court Reporters and they have been so great to take me on as a newbie. Will you be attending the convention in October up at Hood River? Maybe we will meet then. I hope your mom is healing. I am sure she is so appreciative to have you taking care of her. Have a good week and have a great 4th of July celebration!
At 6:23 on May 4, 2009, Debbie Schwarm said…
Hi Cindy,
Oh boy oh boy. Look at me answering your nice note decades later! :) Yes, I am in Beaverton, Oregon. Although, I was using the term "hood" as in neighborhood, but what the heck, you still found an Oregonian with it. I am currently a medical transcriptionist too and am dying to change careers. I have completed the scopist training, and now need to purchase the software to move forward, but dealing with "running-out-of-work" issues which is why I want out of this industry. So, I'm in a bit of a catch 22. I need out because the money issue is killing me but I can't get out because I need the money to purchase the software. It's enough to make a person nuts! I have a website made up I'm raring to go! How are you liking the scoping work?
At 0:21 on April 15, 2009, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Ah, that's a nice thought. I suppose you could email it to her?? I guess that would be okay. It does bring a huge smile to your face, huh! =)
At 21:06 on March 23, 2009, Melissa said…
hi, cindy; sweet puppy; you are so sweet in your messages!!! nice job on the scoping. i am going to send you some more... it is a little slow right now :) p.m. happy belated bday

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