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Kris's Friends

  • Neal
  • Juliana
  • Lupe
  • Rick Louie

Kris's Page

Comment Wall (31 comments)

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At 21:36 on September 22, 2009, Lupe said…
Hi Kris,
Heard you weren't well enough to go to the wedding. I hope you're doing better.
At 17:37 on August 28, 2009, Lupe said…
Hi Kris!
Too lazy to find your new phone # on my phone. Anyway, let me know if you're going to my wedding. Did you get the invite?
let me know what's going on........
At 19:18 on January 19, 2009, Juliana said…
Hi Kris!!!! Just saying Hi! As if I don't text you enough already, huh? When are we getting together for lunch again? You have to take me to that Japanese restaurant again! Too much fun!!!
Talk to you later!!
At 7:15 on September 11, 2008, Juliana said…
to be honest, i don't know. i haven't talked to her lately. it's been a while, actually. i'll give her a call today :)
At 13:28 on September 10, 2008, Juliana said…
hey kris, how's it going? let me know where you'll be on friday. maybe we can meet up
At 19:41 on September 3, 2008, Lupe said…
Hi Kris! Yeah, I was over there at the school. I was dropping off exhibits that went along with an expedite due that day. I figured I'd drop by the school to see how Yolanda is doing with her pregnancy. She wasn't there, and I saw everybody else. I still don't like talking to the classes. It makes me nervous!!!
Have 2 mini-depos to be expedited for this Friday. 40 pages of extreme medical terminology on one of them.
How's court life going? Hope it's getting better.
P.S. Isella passed the CSR!!! :) So I'm seriously going to try to get everyone together! ;)
At 13:02 on August 18, 2008, Juliana said…
hey kris,
what a coincidence we were all on vaca :)
still here in mexico. now i'm at my grandma's house. i'll be home soon, though. but the truth is i don't miss home. hahahaha. i just talked to my dad on the phone and the first thing he asked is when i'm coming home, hahaha. he misses me. awww how cute. well, hope your vaca was good. hope work is going well for you.
ttyl -- juliana
At 12:10 on August 14, 2008, Lupe said…
Glad to hear you're not stressed! I'm doing okay. It's now countdown to the wedding. I can't believe it's 13 months away! It feels like 4 considering all the appointments I have to make. see ya!!
At 22:23 on August 12, 2008, Lupe said…
Hey,Kris! Just thought I'd say Hi! Hope you're not partying too hard!! lol! Take care!
At 11:11 on July 18, 2008, Lupe said…
Hey Kris! Sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I'll give you a call around 6 or so. Talk to you later!

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