Abe Chaballout
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Hiring Office Manager

We are looking to hire a part time or full time office manager with at least one year of experience in a court reporting agency. If you are interested, e-mail us at…Continue

Started May 21, 2012


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At 7:52 on April 3, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Mark, if you hit the tab at the top of the main page that says "Cover Depos" there will be a map that comes up.  There are red dots all over that map where there are reporters wanting to cover work.  Hit on the red dot, then hit the tab to "Join the group" that's important because you will not be able to send message unless you've joined the group.  Then hit the tab "Send Message to Group,"  You can send your message to the group of reporters about your job, please include contact info.  Everyone forgets that.  Your email blast for LA will go out to about 400 reporters.  However, for the LA group, there is a $49.95 fee per year to use it.  Easier than leaving a comment in the chat box where only a few reporters will see your message.


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