Darlene's Blog (2)

Training a Scopist

I was a court reporter for 22 years. I had several scopists. When I would review the transcripts of the scopists

at the beginning during traning, I would make notes of things I would like done a certain way. Then I would

communicate this to the scopist.

Since I have not reported in three years, I would like to begin scoping. The reporter sends the transcript back to me after she's gone over it and made preference changes. She expects me to print the transcripts and compare… Continue

Added by Darlene on November 25, 2008 at 9:04 — 8 Comments

Is there any way to contact reporters that use a certain software?

This site has a list of scopists by state or software. Is there any way to contact reporters by software, other than searching the member list? When you search the member list, all reporters on a certain software
surface (seven pages). It's would be very time consuming to email each one; although, I did email
a few in Florida.

Added by Darlene on September 22, 2008 at 18:32 — 11 Comments

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