If you are married to an attorney, perhaps you should skip this blog.

I have come to fear when attorneys say to me, "Oh, I'm married to a court reporter."

Inevitably, these attorneys all talk like the wind and they freakin' always give away the copy order. What!?! Why?

You would think that if they're married to a court reporter, the court reporter would have told them about doing that stupid stipulation and giving away the copy. You would think that they would tell their attorney spouse to slow the hell down. But no.

Then I think, why the hell is your court reporter marrying you? Is this their way of avoiding taking your depositions and making some other poor reporter suffer.


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Comment by Mike Rowell on August 31, 2008 at 9:11
That's awesome Pam! Ha! I only hope to have the guts to say a thing like that when I'm out of school. We actually had a practice take where the attorneys were discussing that in court (from a real transcript, of course) and the teacher said something to the effect of, "Yeah, they do that, it's not legal but there's not much you can do about it."
Comment by Kyung on August 29, 2008 at 11:06
Way to go, Pam!!! That is funny.
Comment by Pamela L. Brott on August 29, 2008 at 11:01
Amen, sista! That's happened to me a couple of times. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and on my own, but when the attorney said that out loud, "Oh, don't worry, Jim, I'll make a copy of mine and give it to you." I was so pissed, that I said in front of everyone, "Thank you for taking the food out my family's mouths." You should have seen the horror on his face. (Little did he know, I just had an obese cat, Michael, 23 lbs, and his little brother Onny, 7lbs.) LOLOLOL He apologized, and the other attorney wound up paying for his own copy!!
Comment by Lisa Migliore Black on August 26, 2008 at 14:45
Girl, you've pretty well pegged my David. He's a litigator. I did his work for years before we started dating. He talked on top of the witness and was lightning fast.

I'm going to marry him because he has the most beautiful spirit and the kindest heart of anyone I know. Not taking his depos anymore is only a plus:)

However, on rare occasions, I do still work for him. Every now and then, he's on the other side of one of my clients, and they will waive any objection to my being the court reporter since they know me well. I warn him to behave himself to no avail.

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