An Alternative for Freelance Court Reporters

The freedom of being a freelance court reporter is attractive to many court reporting professionals across the country, but the reality of the current economy is making this a difficult career choice. Court reporting agencies offer an alternative to reporters who want to keep their flexibility but want some added security.

Freelancing is a tough job, especially when you are first starting out. Not only do you have to spend your days doing actual court reporter duties, you also are in charge of your own billing, marketing, and other administration efforts. These extra duties can add up to a significant amount of time and before you know it, the freedom of freelance becomes an immense time burden.

There are also many benefits of working for an established certified court reporting agency. A few of those benefits are:
-Benefit from a reputable agency name.
-A constant flow of diverse clients looking for diverse services.
-Lower stress levels as you don't have to worry about being over worked during busy times and under worked during slow times.
-Focus on the job you love, court reporting - not on all of the other monotonous tasks involved in running a business.

So for those freelance court reporters out there looking for a more stable work environment, keep in mind that court reporting agencies across the country are always looking for qualified reporters to add to their teams. I do realize that freelance work is just "better" for some and that is great.

If you would like more information about Huseby Court Reporting Inc please visit

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Comment by Huseby Inc. on September 30, 2009 at 13:47
Mary Ann, thank you for the very detailed response. I think its safe to say your "article" is more informative than what we wrote!
Comment by Veronica Kubat on August 14, 2009 at 7:07
I always considered working for many agencies as freelancing. I didn't know that wasn't correct. Do you mean by freelancing that I process to completion the depos I take? What is it that I do, then? I take work for whomever needs something covered and I get paid.
Comment by Huseby Inc. on August 14, 2009 at 6:45
We are talking about court reporting agencies in general. And that freelance reporters may want to consider joining an agency to alleviate some of the administrative tasks that accompany freelance work.
Comment by Patricia Babits on August 13, 2009 at 16:30
Are you hiring reporters as employees?

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