CourtReps-on-line school through Howee Wright Steno

Has anyone heard of Howee Wright Steno?

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Comment by Laura Boyd on March 2, 2009 at 14:56
My little piece of the picture, for what it's worth:

Prior to 2007, Jeniffer Aloysius, CRI, was involved in publishing Mark K’s StenoMaster theory book. She gave online instruction in StenoMaster theory (as the StenoMaster Online Institute) for a short while.

As a student trying to incorporate short writing principles, I subscribed to the StenoMaster online program for a while. Back then it was still connected with Mark K.

Subsequently, there was a parting of the ways somehow. Jeniffer contined online speedbuilding and theory instruction through her own site, CourtReps Realtime Institute.

The new site doesn’t use StenoMaster theory nor does it sell it. However, they had to have a published theory, so apparently the “How We Write”/Howee Wright book was put together to fill that need.

Subscribers in the former StenoMaster Online were told that the new (CourtReps) program would be teaching a compilation of theory and short writing principles from “the best practices of all theories, past and present.”

Assuming the author didn’t reject the basic ideas of StenoMaster – and it’s hard to imagine she would have done an about face -- I speculate “Howee Wright” would be a systematic basic machine steno theory that emphasizes short writing (vs. what is described as “stroke intensive”) and lots of phrasing and one-strokers for the most common words. I’d be curious (but not $100 worth of curious!) to see it.

(This is not an endorsement of the author’s online course. But given her past association with StenoMaster theory, chances are Howee Wright builds on some of the same past theory principles that preceded StenoMaster – now Magnum Steno.)

Hope this is of some use.

Comment by Sheena Stobaugh on March 2, 2009 at 8:58

I just learned about it this morning and am very interested to hear from any students, past or present, who have used it. I'll stay tuned to this posting to see what information you get.


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