My name is Sherrelle Johnson and I'm a newbie to scoping. I am currently enrolled in 2 scopist trainings; 1) is an online program -Scoping Made Affordable 2) Cerritos Community College. The second one is a traditional Court reporting school that offers scopist training as well as a certificate upon completion. I decided to enroll in both institutions because I wanted to make sure I was getting as much info and knowledge as possible. So that when I complete the training, I would be a competent scopist. I also enrolled in both because the traditional school doesn't include a course on how to market and obtain employment, nor the billing/financial set-up of scoping business. Furthermore, with the financial crisis, this is putting a strain on my pocketbook. The traditional school I was able to obtain grants, but of course online I have to make payments. Can anyone give me some insight telling me if I should continue with both programs or just one? And if only one, which one? Are there any scopist that recieved training from a traditional court reporting school? If so, please comment on your experience and whether you would go thru the traditional Court Reporter training again or just do an online training for scopist? I really want to be able to start scoping ASAP, but I want to be confident in that I am well-prepared and trained for it. I really don't know what would be best career-wise.

Thanks for all your help and advice in advance!

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