Has anyone done any work for Lipka.com? I received a request to do depos for them and I wanted to know a little bit about the business. Any comments are welcome.

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Comment by Jennifer Slessinger on February 11, 2009 at 16:53
thanks for all your comments. I have faxed my forms and waiting for the calls.
Comment by Angie on February 11, 2009 at 16:44
Has anyone taken work form Alliance located in South Orange County, CA? I got a call from them for a job tomorrow. I'm cautious after being stiffed for almost $500 last year by a firm that had a web page but never paid for the job and wouldn't answer her phone or return my calls. Any input is helpful.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on February 7, 2009 at 11:01
I've worked with lipka.com. Michelle is great to work with. No problems ever. Go for it!
Comment by Tom Frasik, RPR, CSR 6961 (CA) on February 4, 2009 at 15:14
I've worked with Lipka.com in years past and have always been treated well and have been fairly and competitively compensated. Payment is made quickly - I think 2 weeks post-billing. I am a personal friend of the owner of the firm and know her to be very concerned with reporters' issues, whether they be difficult clients or billing/payment issues. It's a long-time firm with quality clients and quality work.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on February 3, 2009 at 23:40
Lipka has been sending out job offers through CSRnation for almost a year now? I have never had anyone complain.
I cant speak for actually working for them... maybe when they call me for a video job I'll get back to you about that :P
But in all seriousness, I think they are very professional or I would have had at least one of the people that accepted one of their many offers complain to me.

Good luck!
Comment by OSH on February 3, 2009 at 20:43
Hey Jennifer,
I am a reporter in the DC, Maryland and Virginia areas and I have received a couple of requests from Lipka.com, some ended up cancelling. However, I have actually taken a job for them. It was a small one (60 pages) but everything went smoothly. The best part is I got paid for the job in a reasonable time frame. I thought that was awesome! It's scary these days taking jobs for these internet firms who you have no experience with and have never met anyone in the form and especially when you haven't the faintest idea if you're ever going to receive pay for your product!! I have fellow reporters that have nightmares about that, but I can honestly say Lipka.com I would recommend to anyone!! They are very nice folks!! Very professional and definitely ethical!! I hope this helps!!!

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