Quite honestly, I don't want a ton of pages. My goal is not to write more pages, but to get paid more for the pages I do take.

So when I ask agencies the rate, and they tell me I'll make it up in volume, I'm often of two minds. Do I really want to make it up in volume?

I don't feel like a hamster. Do I look like a hamster? Why would I want to run just as fast to stay in place?

Too many times, I hear it's a great job, you'll get a lot of pages. But what's the rate? Oh, well, you'll make it up bec. there will be lots of pages. Uh, no. I'm not "making it up." I'm working harder for the same amount of money. Not my goal in life. Why should I take down 200 pages at $3/page when I can take down 150 pages at $4/page?

If you use a scopist, it makes even less sense. Let's say you get that 200 pages at $3/page. Then you give it to your scopist so you can go out the next day and take another 200 pages on this case. Well, you'll get paid $600 minus $200 for the scopist equals $400.

Whereas, if I take the 150 pages at $4/page. I send it to the scopist. I get $600 minus $150 for the scopist, I just made $450.

Oh, by the way, I can still take a job the next day and not feel totally fatigued and burned out by the time the weekend rolls around and all of a sudden I have 400 pages versus 300 pages to proof before sending it to the agency.

Don't get me wrong. Of course, I want pages. But I'm just kind of bummed when I hear people (some court reporters) say I don't care what the page rate is, all I want is pages. I say to you, you should care.

Anyhoo, just something to think about.

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Comment by Julie Samford on October 15, 2009 at 11:57
You're so cute, and nope, you definitely do NOT look like a hamster! But that was hilarious.
Comment by April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR on October 11, 2009 at 19:43
I don't feel like a hamster. Do I look like a hamster?

Kyung, I'm on tech overload at the CCRA Convention and popped on to The Nation to catch up.

Thanks for the best laugh of my day . . . :D
Comment by Lori L. Monroe on October 8, 2009 at 10:01
Just wanted to tell you that I love reading your blogs... They are so informative and witty....keep them coming...:)
Comment by Christina Diaz, CRC CRR RDR CSR on October 6, 2009 at 8:23
Amen to that. So glad to hear someone's on the same page (literally and figuratively). I'm trying to hold the line also. Kind of squirming on the down days but am a firm believer that the cream rises to the top and what goes around comes around! Thanks for the "secret"!

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