I have a cold and it's driving me batty. It's just low level. Nothing easily visible, painting a target on my back w/she's sick!!

No, No. Just an energy-zapping, sore throat kind of thing. No coughing unless in depo. Of course, then there's the persistent tickle that never goes away no matter how many cough lozenges you take.

I've had it about a week now. Just kind of a check congestion. Taking cold Tylenol at night, but really tired.

Hope everyone out there is healthy.

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Comment by Brenda Rogers on February 23, 2009 at 17:53
An atty told me this one. He, the OC, and a very near-term reporter were waiting on a doctor's deposition to start. It was late, as usual. The reporter said she was "feeling funny." The atty asked if she was okay, if she needed to leave. She thought that was a good idea, so she called her firm to get another reporter over there. Wouldn't take long, but the doctor showed up then and OC didnt want to wait. CR said she was really feeling funny and she thought she should go. Atty telling the story agreed, doctor is looking concerned.

"No, no. We'll just get going and switch reporters when the other gets here," says OC.

So she agreed and they got underway.

Very soon, her water broke.

Storytelling atty: "NOW do you think we can let her go? Or do you want to deliver this baby???"
Comment by Rebecca Blasco on February 23, 2009 at 15:02
Roger's judge loved him, and he was a brilliant writer and really could get every word, and really was snoring up a storm. I think the only reason they asked him to read back is because he was snoring. I don't think the jurors recognized that, though, 'cause Rog didn't have a microphone near him.

L. fainted in the courtroom. They called me to take her place and I got there just as they ambulance was wheeling her away. No worry for L. No concern that she might live or die. . . just, you know, let's get this show on the road. How sweet.
Comment by Indrani Peyton on February 23, 2009 at 14:51
OMG!!! Are you kidding? These are real stories re: the fainting court reporter and the snoring reporter that gets every word? If it is true, that is hilarious. I would assume Roger could get in trouble for falling asleep in court since he is the "Keeper of the record", but as long as he got every word, what could anyone say... Talk about subliminial rem sleep.
Comment by Rebecca Blasco on February 22, 2009 at 12:24
I knew a court reporter who FAINTED and was passed out on the floor for a full five minutes before a juror could actually get the attention of the judge to say, "Your court reporter is dead on the floor . . . does anyone CARE?! Well, she hadn't died, just fainted, but nobody noticed.

On another note, I remember when I was sitting in with Roger C. one day and he had fallen asleep. His fingers were still moving and then they ask for read back and he's SNORING. I'm like, Roger . . . Roger . . . and then the Judge goes ROGER! Huh? He jumped awake and almost fell out of his chair. The guy was a genius reporter . . . he had every bleedin' word . . .
Comment by Kyung on February 20, 2009 at 21:59
I only had one bad coughing fit today where I had to stop the depo. But everybody was pretty nice about it. Thank goodness.
Comment by Jeannie Wright on February 20, 2009 at 15:04
Hope you feel better, Kyungk! It's the pits having to work with it - in merits today, my judge had to ask a witness on 3 occasions to repeat because I was coughing ;( - how embarrassing!

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