New notereader/ scopist/ proofreader needing some advice!

I have just finished school for notereading/ scoping/ proofreading and I can't seem to figure out what are some good prices for my services.  If I could get some ideas and a few pointers, that would be great!! Are there any extra jobs that my court reporter will ask me to do?  Should I do her binding?

Thank you


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Comment by Crusader on August 3, 2011 at 14:31

I think there was a note on these boards a few months ago from the site admin that she didn't want discussion of rates online, but I don't see the harm.

I have been proofreading since 2002 (from paper, not using Word or reporter software or anything like that) and my rates start at .35 per page for 2-4 day turnaround, more for dense (wall2wall) or for new reporters (who usually require more corrections). Obviously, expedites and experts are often more per page, too. Mosts scopists I associate with are charging about $1.00 on up per page and most of them include spot audio for that price. Hope that helps.
Comment by Judy on June 25, 2011 at 16:53

You might find your answer here:



Comment by Martha R on June 24, 2011 at 18:08
My proofreader charges .35 a page, if that helps.   Others have charged .30 a page.
Comment by Stephanie Wilson on June 23, 2011 at 3:54

Thank you, it is just different setting for me.  I want to make sure my job duties are pretty clean cut.

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on June 22, 2011 at 20:38

I pay my scopists 1.00 per page.  I also have been reporting for 24 years and don't have any untranslated words in my jobs when I give it to my scopist or very few.  I would charge more for transcripts you get from newer reporters that have more mistakes.


Your reporters will not ask you to do anything but scope or proof.  In this day and age, I can't imagine anyone note reads anymore with audio.  No need for it.  I assume a proofer charges like 40 cents a page or something close to it.  Just guessing.  Dont' use one.

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