So it's more interesting for me to read the newspaper these days bec. oftentimes I see a newspaper story about a case that is being tried in a courtroom that I am working in. These are by no means "high profile", but it's always interesting to get some of the back story of a case.

As you know, a lot of reporters only get to hear small portions of cases. So it's exciting to learn some of the circumstances surrounding a case that you're working on. And it's also interesting bec. I might actually know something that's not printed in the paper.

I also see cases that are going to be tried, and I wonder if perhaps I might be called upon to take a couple of days of testimony. Not likely as they like the official reporter to take the actual trials days, but I might be called in to cover a calender where a motion regarding the case will be held.

Anyhoo, I just read my newspaper with a lot more fascination.

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Comment by Steve Godsey on January 7, 2009 at 10:35
I videotape one depo out of many several of months ago & last month the case settled for $3 MILLION dollars. Made the papers & local TV channels. I thought it was cool since I rarely hear the outcome of the cases.
Comment by Kyung on January 5, 2009 at 21:25
I hate that!! We try so hard to make sure everything is spelled correctly. It makes me crazy.
Comment by Katy Cuellar on January 5, 2009 at 20:48
OMG Ha Ha! I remember once reading about a trial where I had done the preliminary hearing. I found out I'd misspelled the name of the restaurant where the crime took place! I had no idea before that that it could be any other way than the way I'd spelled it! I was horrified!

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