Time, time, time. What time is it?

Well, the world is getting smaller or so they tell me. And if you work for several different agencies, it can get quite crazy in terms of keeping track of time.

This may not have happened to you, but you want to call an agency 3 o'clock your time and you realize it's 6 o'clock their time and you've missed the boat. Or the attorney wants the job by end of business their time, and you lose track of time.

Here is a website that might help you with that problem. The official US time

It will give you the time in different places around the world.

Don't forget that pesky daylight savings time either. And if FedEx or UPS says it will be delivered by 8 a.m. or 10 a.m. or noon or by 3 p.m. next business day. That way, you can follow up with agency or FedEx.

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Comment by Glen Warner on October 26, 2009 at 18:50
Hi, Kyung.

Sounds like you could use some Old School Tech!

Couple that with the Time Zones app, the built-in Dates program for daily reminders, and you should be okay.

Good luck ...!



Say ... did I forget to mention the TECHNOLUST factor, here?!


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