Kelli Combs (admin)'s Comments

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At 12:30 on February 3, 2025, Cindy Bowden, RDR, RMR, CSR said…

Hello, as a reporter what is the annual fee as I thought you pay just a one-time fee and it shows my membership has expired.  Please advise.

At 15:47 on January 29, 2025, Wendi Jones said…

Thank you so much, Kelli! 

At 15:05 on November 14, 2024, Carrie White said…

Thank you so much, Kelli! Glad to be here.

At 8:23 on September 27, 2024, Deanna Pfaff said…

Thank you so much for the info.  I clicked on Monterey and Salinas. The Bay Area is an extra fee; correct?

At 9:32 on July 2, 2024, Gaynell Noel said…

Thank you! I'm on Case CAT. I will check out those scoping groups.

At 15:41 on June 10, 2024, Bridget Mattos & Associates said…
Hi Kelli-
When I try to click on "send message to group" nothing happens. This was happeni9ng last week also. I have tried 3 different groups and asked another reporter to try and she said she is having the same issue.
At 1:57 on April 10, 2024, Kersten Song said…

Hi, Kelli. I have a question for you. May I email you directly?b SoCal reporter.


At 10:51 on March 17, 2024, Brenda Burghardt said…

Kellli, I’m new to using the platform.  I seem unable to join Ca Bay Area and Sacramento area without paying a monthly fee.  Do I actually need to pay monthly for these groups after paying for the initial membership fee?

I appreciate any feedback.  
Thank you!

Brenda Burghardt

At 16:15 on January 24, 2024, Josie Carrillo said…

Thank you for responding so quickly. I will sign up again, and I'll use that google feature as well! 


At 13:25 on January 24, 2024, Josie Carrillo said…

Hi, Kelli -

I'm trying to update my account, but it's been so long ago that I forgot my password. Not sure how I was able to sign into the account, though. When I try to verify the new email address, it says the password is wrong.

Anyway, if you can help, I'd appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day.

Josie Carrillo

At 14:55 on October 23, 2023, Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR said…

Hi Kelli, I am a court reporter and I paid for the Los Angeles cover depos, which says court reporters pay a one-time fee, but it says my subscription has expired.  Is there anything I need to do to correct this?  Thank you.

At 15:59 on September 27, 2023, Judy L. Macchello said…

Hi Kelli!

Thank you for such a great site for reporters!  The other day I was in a panic trying to cover a depo.  I renewed my subscription but then it didn't let me in so I paid again.  Can you let me know how to get a refund on the double payment?  Also, is there a lifetime membership?  

I'd love to have that.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Judy Macchello, CSR, RPR

At 16:59 on July 24, 2023, AJ White said…

Hi Kelli,

 I joined a few years back and had believed it was a lifetime membership. I guess I somehow canceled (?) and then had to pay the fee again to re-join, which I’m fine with, but now see that all the groups I previously had joined are requiring a fee. Are these fees applicable to longtime members who never had to pay them initially? Thank you in advance for your assistance!

At 14:23 on June 26, 2023, DENISA LYN MINOR said…

Thank you, Kelli.

At 9:36 on June 2, 2023, Joan Pitt, RMR, CRR said…

Hi Kelli.  I'm not seeing any red dots on the map.  I'm in Polk County between Tampa and Orlando.

At 6:42 on April 6, 2023, Tatyana M said…

Hello Kelli. I am not a student yet but I have chosen a program and plan to start in the Fall. I will also be taking the Project Steno basic training in May.

I would like to get into scoping at some point while I'm in school as a way to get some real-world exposure. Do you have any tips on how I can get started with that?

At 15:04 on March 2, 2023, Wendi J Vallarino said…

Hi.  I'm trying to change my email address, but I can't remember my password.  How can I do that?

At 8:36 on October 21, 2022, James Paul Otterson said…

Hi, Kelly.  I am trying to find the red dot on the page you told me to go to.  I don't see any red dots

At 17:40 on October 17, 2022, James Paul Otterson said…

I'm not sure if I did it right, but I tried my best.  This is my first day on the sie.  

I tried to include, Washington, Idaho, Minnesota, Texas and Oklahoma.  Thanks for the help and I'll try again tomorrow

At 13:42 on October 11, 2022, Teresa McKinney said…

Ok, thank you :)

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