I am new to this and am not really sure where I'm supposed to go to find this information, but I need help on what to do here.  This is a new one for me, but I'm sure others must have had this experience.

I realize a lot of content in transcripts are confidential, but this request was asked several times in a series of depositions, and I'd like to get ideas on how I should handle it:

  • The attorney asked me to mark a group of questions on a page in the transcript as "Confidential." Is there anybody who can tell me how that is done on the transcript page? Do I just identify the page on the index, or do I write in "CONFIDENTIAL" on the header, or how is that supposed to be done?

Thanks for any help I can get.

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There are a number of steps.  If you would like to e-mail me or call me, I would be happy to help.

bcomo@barbaracomo.com  916-447-6364

Did you ask the attorney if he wanted the confidential portion of the transcript bound separately from the rest of the transcript?  Usually it's AEO; Attorneys' Eyes Only that is bound separately.  He should have been more clear.  You will come across this a lot in the years to come.  Usually when it's just "confidential" the attorney will designate the entire transcript confidential.  Since he did not, you can just put the Confidential portion on a separate page.  I'd put (Whereupon, the following testimony was deemed Confidential) and on the next page put at the top of the page ***CONFIDENTIAL TESTIMONY** and then put the testimony there.  When it's not confidential any longer, you put (Whereupon, the following testimony was deemed not to be confidential)  and then put the regular portion of testimony on the following page, separate from the confidential part.  Then on the index you put CONFIDENTIAL TESTIMONY, PAGES and underneath that 34 - 66 or whatever the page range is.  Does that make sense?


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