Defibrigenated? Huuuuh? Can't find it anywhere. Here's the sentence:
You open up the pericardium. What you see is some blood. But most of what's in there is already clotted because a fast bleed into the pericardium clots. A slow bleed gets defibrigenated. So it doesn't clot, and, in that case, you can drain it out.
Yeah, I found that too. Thanks, Jenny, for your help.
Now I just need to figure out if he made up his own word, if it's a word that I just haven't found the definition for, and if I should put "defibrigenated" or "defibrinated"? Opinions?
He wasn't that fast. It's pretty clear he said the "gen," "defribrigenated." I'm more inclined to put what he said because I don't know for sure it's not a word, and he seemed to not make many mistakes in pronouncing words like some of them do.
it's defibrinated -- pretty sure. don't know about the "g" in there, but defribinated means removal of fibrin from the blood. Defribrination syndrom is diffuse intravascular coagulation. Hope this helps!!