I'm looking for medical briefs, any kind of specialty.

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Oh, Marla, you need to go to www.DEPOMAN.com. Those people have a TON a briefs to share.

Hi Marla,

I have the CD of the book Brief Encounters -- the medical word edition -- on my hard drive so if I'm on a medical dep and can't come up with a brief while I'm writing, on a break I can just switch screens and look it up. My latest favorite is SHRUPB for L5-S1 -- previously five strokes.

I've been doing a lot of nursing home/assisted living lately so I've come up with a bunch of briefs that pertain to that area:

nursing home - NOUM
assisted living - SHREUFG
director of nursing - TK*OPB
standard of care - SO*BG
standard of practice = S*OP
violation of the standard of care - SRO*BG
violation of the standard of practice - SRO*P
decubitus - TKAO*UB
bedsore - SPWOER

A couple from birth trauma:

fetal monitor strip - F*PLS
beat-to-beat - PW*B
episiotomy - P*Z
oligohydramnios - ao*g
antibiotic TEU*B
neonatal intensive care unit NAO*UBG/ WO*RD

I use the storke WORD with an asterisk on dozens of briefs to make the common acronym translatesinto words. For example,
KE*G/W*ORD - electrocardiogram
MR*I/W*ORD - magnetic resonance imaging

Works on tons of other nonmedical stuff too - FBI, IRS, AMA, CDC, etc.

Hope this helps!

Neato trick with the W*ORD stroke. So does it work both ways - makes words into acronym and also makes acronyms into words? How do you define W*ORD? Are you on Eclipse?

I hate that word episiotomy. So nice to have one stroke for that. I have a few briefs for some of the words you gave, but they're different.

ST*K standard of care
ST-K statistic

A*EB antibiotic
A*ED antidepressant
A*EFMT antiinflammatory

I love SLUN for L5-S1. Fantastic. That's going on my spreadsheet. I've been creating a spreadsheet over the last year of briefs, and I sometimes open it up mid-depo and Alt-tab over to it to check if I have a brief for a word that I'm not remembering. I should just buy Brief Encounters. Sounds nifty.

Thanks for the briefs, Renee!

What about MET/TAFRL

I'm starting to write the FRL for a few different suffixes such as ^rsal or ^tiful
beautiful - BAOUFRL
tarsal - TAFRL
parcel - PAFRL

It's working for me - Jenny


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