Anyone using Eclipse auto-briefing where you have modified it? Pros? Cons? Do you still receive a lot of brief options? Has anyone modified this feature to disallow briefs with asterisks? Pros? Cons?

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Kathrynne, I absolutely cannot write anymore without using A/B and the exclusions. I posted several months ago about it here:

I will now add that I'm going to have to eliminate a few more exclusions as sometimes I won't get an A/B - but only when I'm requesting it. It's a process.

I have recently unchecked the phonetic untranslate box because it is much easier for me to figure out the A/B suggestions when they appear in original steno.

Take a difficult short job and retran it using the virtual translation feature, and you can see the A/Bs pop up. You can pause the translation and take a good look at the suggestions to see whether you would be able to easily use them. If you see any you don't like, write them down and exclude them!
Jenny, thanks so much for your reply. I just jumped in and used the auto-briefing feature today, but I modified it, I thought, to exclude any * in briefs. The * briefs still came up; so I was not able to do my brief on the fly with the asterisk key in fear of conflicts. I don't know what went wrong. I ended up getting about 196 suggested briefs. It sure helped but way too many briefs for me to grasp and finger.
I have just a couple other questions for you if you have the time. If you modify the auto-briefing feature not to use an * in suggested briefs, will auto-brief still have other options to suggest for particular briefs that had the * in them? Today while using the A/B feature, the name David Leroy came up, and A/B suggested DA. I used it. Then the name Zepeda came up, and it was translated SA PAEU David Leroy. How am I able to stop that from occurring? Do you create briefs on the fly when you are using the A/B feature, or is that just a disaster waiting to happen?
Kathrynne: AB is programmed not to use any strokes that are already in your dictionary. Unless you have DA defined as a word part like {da^}, then AB saw it was an open stroke. I'm not sure how that could have happened.

I use AB on every job and haven't had a problem. You can add more words to the exclusion list (I think it's under Programming) if you think it's giving you too many briefs. Most of the time, I only use the briefs that I personally request in realtime.
The Zepeda translating to SA PAEU David Leroy is the reason why I asked A/B to always give me an * in every suggestion. Another reason why I want an * is so I know right away if it's a brief from my own dix (mainly without a *) or a computer-generated A/B.

I have so many new briefs in my dix now, but I forget them. I'm always writing a comment to myself like this: J-N/AD/JEND/DA/1-BZ

That will translate as a comment line with the word agenda in there, and my own brief for it will appear in the A/B window.

This morning an explanation of how A/B chooses which steno to use appeared in CR-NET. I didn't know this. Here's a paste:

Auto-brief is looking at the letters used in the word, one letter at a time. It's as though you had the steno emulator open and were typing the word on your keyboard. As you type each letter of the word, steno appears in the emulator screen. For instance, with the two examples you mention, "photo array" and "photocopies", if you typed the first letter, p, the P in the emulator would be selected. If you then typed the next letter, h, steno H in the emulator would be selected. The emulator, just like auto-brief, would be showing PH, the first two letters of the word.

TP would have appeared if you had been typing a word that actually began with the letter f, such as "frankfurter". If you typed the letter f, steno TP in the emulator would be selected.
Thanks again, Jenny, for responding. How does your comment line communicate with A/B so that it suggests your brief? I am really not understanding. I probably need to look at much earlier posts. I used A/B on my depos today with several modifications and am hooked. I relocated and enlarged the A/B screen. It is much easier to read.
Once you read Keith's e-Tips, I believe you'll understand. There is a set of macros you need to put in your main dix that allow you to request an A/B for one, two, three, or four words. He suggests you use the steno stroke 1-BZ, 2-BZ.

Once you read and download and test, you'll be all set. Then you'll kick yourself for not getting these A/B macros earlier!
Thanks for your reply. I will now need to look in my dictionary and delete that entry, but how do you request briefs in realtime?
Then download this file and follow the directions on page 4.

It's so worth it!
Good morning, Jenny. Wow! I feel so indebted to you. I printed up everything you suggested that I read. I am really exited. If you are ever in Southern California, I would love to treat you to lunch. Your pick. Please take me up on this offer. You can always reach me at
Thank you, thank you. Can't say it enough.


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