I know there is a thread on here about this but I can't find it.  

It's been a long time since I did a depo with an interpreter. I have one on Friday and it is videotape. I need suggestions on how to format it. I know the witness will answer in English sometimes. They always do. How do you format this? 

Would you put a statement on the index page that all answers are through the interpreter unless otherwise noted?

Q. What is your name?
A. Tom White 
THE WITNESS: No, Tom Black.

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Since you only posted an hour ago, I will respond.  I have done a lot of these recently.  I first swear in the interpreter.  Then I swear in the witness, through the interpeter.  All the answers come through the transcript as Q & A.  My transcripts show two people being sworn in, the interpreter, and the deponent.


Your question:  I am inclined to call him The Deponent.  (The deponent answered independently).


I am not in the best character of mind right this minute. 


Someone can be a witness and not be a deponent.

A deponent can be a deponent and not be a witness. 

If the Deponent is speaking, I identify him as The Witness.  If the Interpreter is clarifying in excess of the answer, I would call him The Interpreter.


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