If you or your school has video-teleconferencing (VTC) equipment or access to a VTC system, please let me know.
My reason for writing is that there will be approximately 50 two-hour Legal Skills trials taking place in the McGlothlin Courtroom of the College of William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, VA, from January 20 to February 9th, 2009, and I am looking for high-speed students to report the proceedings via VTC. The cases require electronic transcripts be sent to the law students within 7-10 days of completion of the hearings, and we are offering court reporting students (both steno & voice) an opportunity to practice their skill in an almost real setting.
Court reporters and reporting students alike from the Tidewater region volunteer to report the proceedings in person, but since we can VTC, we thought we'd offer remote reporting students the opportunity to report a case in the world's most technologically advanced courtroom.
The Center for Legal and Court Technology (formerly the Courtroom 21 Project) is experimenting with remote court records, and I would appreciate it if you would contact me, Diane M. Gray, for further details. My email address is dmgra3@wm.edu.
Thank you.
Diane M. Gray, Court Record Manager