Diane M. Gray
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  • Daniele Jeffreys

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 13:17 on August 3, 2008, Sue @ The Brief Zone said…
Hi Diane, check out The Brief Zone !
Great Drilling Practice For Any Steno Theory...
At 7:11 on March 17, 2008, Daniele Jeffreys said…
I was pleased with the not-so-perfect-rt-display. It shows all the other reporters that if the people who do it all the time have problems that they, themselves, should not be upset if they cannot do it. I was glad to see what the litigation support screen looks like. Also, I was super pleased to know someone who does the remote scopist--another potential person to help!! :)

This thing needs a spell check on it! Well, since it doesn't everyone will just have to assume I was typing so fast I didn't see it! ;)
At 21:14 on March 16, 2008, Daniele Jeffreys said…
I'm so glad to see you here. It was great to see you in action again!!
At 21:10 on February 24, 2008, Diane M. Gray said…
Yes, I feel pretty special, particularly when I have the opportunity to make friends with a colleague!

My first love is genealogy, and that's pretty addicting, too! I enjoy the crossword puzzle ever so often in the newspaper as well as the Jumble words, and another crossword puzzle that's not so hard is the one in Woman's World magazine. It seems more relaxing to me, but as you say, solving them certainly gives you a great sense of satisfaction!

At 15:31 on January 14, 2008, Tami said…
Definitely something to be proud about!
At 12:40 on January 14, 2008, Tami said…
Wow, cover of the JCR. Can't beat that!
At 9:01 on January 14, 2008, Diane M. Gray said…
Cover of the JCR depicts the McGlothlin Courtroom at the Courtroom 21 Project within the Center for Legal and Court Technology at the College of William and Mary Law School. I am reporting a mock trial for second-year law students.

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