Well, everyone knows about it, but I thought I'd just bring it out like the dirty laundry.
I live in Orange County, but I work for very few Orange County agencies. Why do you ask? Because of the two-tier rate or three-tier rate, if you include San Diego.
Orange County agencies charge much less than LA agencies. Why is that? Does the attorney talk any slower? Does the witness interrupt less? Is it bec. I have to drive fewer miles? But then what about those reporters who drive into OC for their Non-OC agency and get paid LA rates? Exactly.
Somewhere some agency started undercutting the other agencies to try and get all the business in OC, and now we're left with ridiculously low rates. I think some agencies still might be paying $3/page.
And then San Diego. Some agencies in San Diego pay a per diem on top of their rate. Great, you think. But then you hear their rates are under $3/page. Now we're getting into higher math to figure out if your earnings are comparable with something you would make for an OC agency or an LA agency.
Anyway food for thought. And as always, this is my experience. If your experience is totally different, let me know.