I have noticed in my area a change in the busy and slow times of the year for legal video. Actually it just seems to be more on the slow side most of the time. Anyone else finding this happening in your areas?

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Hey, Chris! Other than summer and the holidays, I've never really been able to predict busy and slow periods over a calendar year-- at least in my market. Lately it's been slow here, but I attribute that to the struggling economy and tort reform more than anything. Certainly, litigation continues but the mindset of many law firms seems to be to push for settlement and reduce the costs of litigation. Business seems to be booming for mediators and arbitrators. Video is largely viewed as a tool for trial so I guess it stands to reason that the use of video depos would decline if many attorneys are looking at mediation/arbitration as their ultimate "endgame". I also think that just getting the upcoming election behind us (and moving on) will decide one of the many unknowns that we all face and may just help. So my advice (just like that of many financial advisors!) is to try and wait it out. Hopefully, there is a boom around the corner. Hope all's well.
Hello Tim,
I guess it is different in the northeast. Jan use to be mad busy, Feb slow down so the people who could afford it get away to a tropical place. We need that get away into the sun up here. March picked up, till the end of June. Summer was once slower, till 2006 when it was gang busters. (Only 2008 was a bit lighter.) Things slowed almost to a halt by the end of Aug, and would pick up like gang busters after Labor day till Turkey day when things would be a bit more calm till Chanukah when things slowed down a lot. This year I and many CR's have noticed a major difference.

If the south and warmer climates are not noticing any difference, maybe I should move. I do enjoy warmer weather and sun shine. If I want to make snow angels, snowmen or ski (for the first time) I can book a trip. LOL


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