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  • Philadelphia, Pa
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  • Vicki Briggs
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  • Lee Bitman
  • Dustin Hanna - Exclusive Litigation Support
  • Derek Anderson
  • Sheldon Singh
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Chris's Discussions

Invoices not being paid...
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris Oct 27, 2009.

new networking site for legal services
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mary Ann Payonk Oct 26, 2009.

spam / identity theft e-mails
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris Aug 3, 2009.


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Chris commented on Kelli Combs (admin)'s group Videographers
"Happy New Year! Touching base here after a while of being MIA from the group. 2021 was very busy and with no lulls thanks to the virtual workflow. Which makes me wonder about rates. A few doctors I have worked with have made mention of starting to…"
Jan 7, 2022
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"I'm not on CSR Nation very often but I do post on Instagram. Join me over there."
Jan 7, 2022
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Oct 21, 2019

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CLVS, videographer
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I'm a Videographer

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Chris's Blog

Recycling VHS, VCR's, and old tech

Recently I went fishing in a storage closet in my house to find an item I thought my daughter would enjoy playing with, and found 4 medium sized boxes busting with VHS tapes that I had forgotten about. They are not old movies or family videos, no, they are legal video depositions. Each tape consists of a legal case of some kind being told from the…

Posted on August 23, 2018 at 18:48 — 1 Comment

The Necessary Differences Between Deposition Setups.

The necessary differences between a Legal Video Deposition Set Up and a Court Reporter Deposition Set Up might not seem like a big deal till one realizes the importance of optimum comfort for everyone in the room for the next 2 to 10 hours, give or take.

Comfort is welcomed when one is at work. Court Reporters like to sit at the head of a table so they can see and hear everyone. However, when legal video arrived at the party the set up had to…

Posted on August 23, 2018 at 18:43

CES: Panasonic Partners With Skype, DirecTV


CES: Panasonic Partners With Skype, DirecTV

Deals will bring videoconferencing and 3D TV content to Panasonic televisions.

By Antone Gonsalves, InformationWeek

Jan. 8, 2010


Panasonic has announced separate partnerships with Skype and DirecTV to bring… Continue

Posted on January 10, 2010 at 17:27

VP Joe Biden &

I have just returned home from long awesome morning (10-27-09). I was in the "press pit" on the platform with many other news cameras representing The VP of the USA Joe Biden & other DE elected officials made a huge announcement to help US jobs in the car industry. The atmosphere in the room was one of great hope, original American fight and stick-to-it-ness. It was an honor to capture such a great event. Also got to say hello to Beau again who I had worked with a few times on… Continue

Posted on October 27, 2009 at 14:34 — 2 Comments

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At 17:46 on January 10, 2010, Stacy Tegner said…
Hi Chris ~ He's a Berner (our second one) My sister had a Swissy ~ had to give him up for adoption, though ~ they do have some different attitude issues :) I love the Bernese breed. I have some thoughts on the purebred vs. mixed, but won't go into them ~ because I realize it makes me sound like one of those crazy dog people :) Basically, back when it was more natural selection, I think mutts were healthier. But with so much backyard breeding going on, I think there's problems with both ~ purebreds just get kept track of, and if you find a good breeder, they won't re-breed any dogs that produced problems. But they're both great to have and I've had both! Okay, see, I still sounded kind of crazed, huh? Nice to meet you, though :)
At 14:18 on November 12, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Just a heads up.. if you want people to read your replies you have to post them on their pages.
I dont want you to think they are ignoring you :P
At 11:37 on September 24, 2008, Chris said…
LOL, yes they may have the DVD players in the car for the kids. Only we know who knows how to work them if the attorneys are asking for VHS tapes. LOL
At 10:16 on September 24, 2008, Sheldon Singh said…
It amazes me that most now have DVD players in their cars for the kids to watch movies on but still want VHS... I hear you... Happens with us a bunch too...Have a great day.
At 17:04 on September 19, 2008, Sheldon Singh said…
Hey Chris,
Thanks... These monsters typically can bring a smile to crazy day... we love em.

As a rule I always record to 3 separate devices during a deposition. 1 is the MiniDV tape in the camera, 2 is the DVD burner and 3 is the laptop live capture. This allows me to be flexible depending on the orders received from clients. What's not pictured is my battery backup I have for all my gear. That is now a standard piece as well. I always travel with Lavs and shotguns, and an occasional boundary or two. Although it's not common, several times I have ended up using all of them. Over the years I have collected a fair amount of audio gear and in a depo situation I always walk with almost double of everything... Overkill? Maybe but the one time I need it, it's there. Sometimes I have had fellow videographers in other buildings call up to borrow gear because of their equipment failure. Comes in handy I guess... We're always trying new equipment and recording methods too. No more VHS or cassettes for me.
At 12:40 on September 19, 2008, Tim Perry said…
Hey, Chris. Thanks for the note. All is well here in St. Louis. We did get the "leftovers" from Ike but all it did was get my basement floor wet! I'm still feeling my way around the site but I will take care of the friends list and then you and I can officially be friends! Have a great weekend and I hope all's well. Tim
At 13:39 on September 16, 2008, C. Todd Claus said…
Hi Chris,
Thanks much for the compliment about the farm house. It means a lot coming from someone with your background. The farm and house was razed a couple of years ago for a business park that doesn't have many more occupants than the farmhouse did when I took the picture.

Frederick is an hour west of Washington and Baltimore. It's located in mid-Maryland and I fell in love with the area when I first drove through on my home to Oregon (when I was still in the service). After graduating university, it wasn't difficult to choose a place to move.

I have a brother- and sister-in-law in Moorestown, NJ, so driving through Delaware on my way to their house is the only time I ever visit the state (which isn't really a visit, I guess). Wait ... ! The second (true) date my wife and I ever went on was to Wilmington see Whad'ya Know? with Michael Feldman. We were so engrossed in conversation on the way home afterwards I forgot where I was driving and got lost (I found my berings when I realized we were south of Washington D.C.).
At 20:48 on September 13, 2008, Tara Martin said…
Hi, Chris. Thanks for the compliment on my name.

Thanks for writing. Have a great rest of the weekend!

At 17:41 on September 12, 2008, Chris said…
lol, yes, I am more of a youtuber myself. lol

I have found help with the site with through the other members, and see great potential with it.

Yes, it was an odd way. It was a video conference. Both my camera and the camera (a-top the TV) had to be positioned in roughly the same space. lol. The CR, 1 attorney, the witness, and myself were in that room, while 3 attorney's from Ct called in via video. Although when the photo was taken I traveled with a VCR, now I have a port-DVD maker. To travel with both is a bit heavy. lol
At 14:44 on September 12, 2008, Tim Perry said…
Yeah, I like the "looks" of the site-- still finding my way around it a bit. I'm not much of a myspace user. But it sounds like it's kinda new so let's see where we can take it. Always like a little spice! By the way, that's an odd way to shoot a depo in your pic! ;-) Hope all's well.

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