Recently I went fishing in a storage closet in my house to find an item I thought my daughter would enjoy playing with, and found 4 medium sized boxes busting with VHS tapes that I had forgotten about. They are not old movies or family videos, no, they are legal video depositions. Each tape consists of a legal case of some kind being told from the…
The necessary differences between a Legal Video Deposition Set Up and a Court Reporter Deposition Set Up might not seem like a big deal till one realizes the importance of optimum comfort for everyone in the room for the next 2 to 10 hours, give or take.
Comfort is welcomed when one is at work. Court Reporters like to sit at the head of a table so they can see and hear everyone. However, when legal video arrived at the party the set up had to…
I have just returned home from long awesome morning (10-27-09). I was in the "press pit" on the platform with many other news cameras representing The VP of the USA Joe Biden & other DE elected officials made a huge announcement to help US jobs in the car industry. The atmosphere in the room was one of great hope, original American fight and stick-to-it-ness. It was an honor to capture such a great event. Also got to say hello to Beau again who I had worked with a few times on… Continue