Mary Ann Taylor's Groups (9)

  • Reporters Who Wine

    98 members Latest Activity: Jul 20, 2022 You know who you are. You enjoy a glass of wine in the evening after a long day. Some of you even drink it when you're scoping....shhhh. Tell us…

  • Technolust

    92 members Latest Activity: Apr 10, 2018 We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious.

  • What I'm Reading Now

    122 members Latest Activity: May 20

    A group for the book readers among us. Please post the name and author of your current book in the subject line of your post, then give us a brief…

  • Realtime Reporters

    296 members Latest Activity: Jan 15 A discusssion forum for realtime reporters and those striving for realtime

  • Federal Official Court Reporters

    71 members Latest Activity: Apr 23 This group is for Federal Official Court Reporters and anyone who is interested in learning about working as a Federal Official Court Reporter

  • Case Catalyst

    405 members Latest Activity: Jun 9, 2022

  • SoCal CSR Forum

    198 members Latest Activity: Feb 22 WELCOME TO THE SOCAL CSR FORUM! A place to discuss California-specific or SoCal-specific topics. And, of course, some not-so-specific topics.

  • Elan Mira Users

    112 members Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2022

  • Name that Website

    66 members Latest Activity: 4 hours ago Just trying to have all the different links for the different places we use for research in one place on this site.

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