Eclipse Version 5 Users


Eclipse Version 5 Users

This group is for Version 5 users to share what aspects of Version 5 they are using and well as requests for help as problems arise using Version 5.


I just downloaded Version 5 (a year after it came out), and I feel like I'm learning Eclipse all over again.


Would greatly appreciate input from other Version 5 users.


Members: 106
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2022

New Member

We have a new member, Linda Cook!  Welcome, Linda!  Hope this group is helpful to you.

We are now up to 99 members.  Just need one more to hit 100!!!!

Discussion Forum

Version 6 and Connection Magic

When I'm doing Connection Magic with my scopist and the attorney wants to go back a couple of hours earlier in the transcript to look at an answer or whatever, the software won't let me go past where…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Jun 18, 2015.

Jeremy has posted some fixes for issues in V6.

Courtesy of Joyce Davis:From Jeremy:I have just posted a patch in the downloads section.There are only two changes in this version to address two issues that have been reported....I would…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Oct 20, 2014.

new member 1 Reply

We have another new member, Tammi Lee!  Welcome, Tammi!Continue

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Kyung Aug 13, 2014.

Trying to find a compression level for an ASUS laptop 4 Replies

I'm having trouble finding a compression level for recording on an ASUS Q400 laptop.  I've tried high rates and low rates and they all sound the same -- barely audible on playback.Any…Continue

Started by Freddie Reppond. Last reply by Ana Dub Jun 6, 2014.

Comment Wall

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Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 31, 2011 at 14:28
I'm using Windows 7.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 31, 2011 at 14:27

I have only used V5 once and not sure if I'm missing anything yet.  As of today, I don't care for V5 and may go back to V4 because things are set up the way I want them.  I am way too impatient and want things to work correctly right away.


If I find I have some issues, I will be more than happy to hire you to help me.  It's just difficult because I don't know if anything is missing.  I was hoping they got all the bugs worked out of it.  That's why I waited so long to download it.

Comment by Laura Renke on October 31, 2011 at 14:26
Kelli, what operating system are you using, Windows 7 or XP?
Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 31, 2011 at 13:24

Kelli, I am happy to post when I'm in the mood and have time, as you know.  Because so many of us got onto V5 in so many different ways, and also have so many different computers and operating systems, things got messed up.  Paths were incorrect and the help tab was not working properly.  I know it was a hassle for me get everything working, and it took tech support's help. 

What I do in my training is help people get the best translation, make sure they have the correct display and the correct things check marked.  Anyone can do that on their own if they have the time and energy and are in the mood.  But I do believe it is good to point out that if anyone is missing some of these key features, they have got to go to tech support and get them back.  Also, everyone should be on version 500.16, but you need to know which file to download on the Eclipse website.  It can be very confusing!

Comment by Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR on October 31, 2011 at 13:12
I redirected all of my Dictionaries, Jobs and .wav files to My Dropbox/Eclipse and now I open up a job through Eclipse, instead of having C:\Documents\Christy, etc., it says My Dropbox\Eclipse Jobs (if I'm opening a job as opposed to a dictionary) and all my jobs and dictionaries stay updated to the latest version.  Got tired of copying in and out and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.  I just did this last week and have tested everything except the .wav files, so I'm not going to post how I did it until I know for sure it all works.  But the jobs and dictionaries are staying updated and that's what I was mainly after.  I'm just going back to my laptop for now to spot check audio while proofing because that's where they recorded before I made all these changes.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 31, 2011 at 13:10

Sorry, Jenny.  Of course you are well worth it.   I've already paid $600 for tech support, so I will just ask them.  No offense, but I'm only having a small issue that I'm sure is easy to do once I find out how. 


Just thought I would ask here first.  I don't expect you to take up all your time helping anyone here.  That certainly is not fair and didn't mean for that to happen at all.

Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 31, 2011 at 13:05
Support says the Visualizers and Manual are on the CD.  They are not available for download from the website.
Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 31, 2011 at 13:00

I just want to say that I am an authorized Eclipse trainer.  I am not a tech support person.  I'd be happy to do some one-on-one training for anyone interested.  My fee is $50 an hour, and I am WELL WORTH IT!  I happen to have no depos scheduled this week, so if anyone is interested, contact me here!

Obviously, I am not stingy in my help.  I believe in sharing.  But if you are tired of stumbling around, I'm here to be hired!  I take over your computer using a free program you must download, and we do all training over the phone.


Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 31, 2011 at 12:56
Jenny, I think Kelli needs help finding her V5kelli folder.
Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 31, 2011 at 12:56
Wynne, call support.  There is a fix if you're not getting those.  That happened to me too.  You may not have the visualizers either.  Check it out and call support.  I forget the cure.  When you find out, please post.

Members (107)


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