Welcome to CSR Nation
This group is for Version 5 users to share what aspects of Version 5 they are using and why.....as well as requests for help as problems arise using Version 5.
I just downloaded Version 5 (a year after it came out), and I feel like I'm learning Eclipse all over again.
Would greatly appreciate input from other Version 5 users.
Members: 106
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2022
We have a new member, Linda Cook! Welcome, Linda! Hope this group is helpful to you.
We are now up to 99 members. Just need one more to hit 100!!!!
When I'm doing Connection Magic with my scopist and the attorney wants to go back a couple of hours earlier in the transcript to look at an answer or whatever, the software won't let me go past where…Continue
Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Jun 18, 2015.
Courtesy of Joyce Davis:From Jeremy:I have just posted a patch in the downloads section.There are only two changes in this version to address two issues that have been reported....I would…Continue
Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Oct 20, 2014.
We have another new member, Tammi Lee! Welcome, Tammi!Continue
Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Kyung Aug 13, 2014.
I'm having trouble finding a compression level for recording on an ASUS Q400 laptop. I've tried high rates and low rates and they all sound the same -- barely audible on playback.Any…Continue
Started by Freddie Reppond. Last reply by Ana Dub Jun 6, 2014.
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Laura, thank you so very much for your contribution! That info about the Auto Brief was exactly what I was looking for. I think I'll set the reminders to 1 also....sounds like a good idea. And I hope the info on division interval helps others out there.
Amanda, I'm having empathy pains for your situation.
And, Christy, welcome to the group! I hope someone here can help you!
Thanks for the welcome, Wynne.
I've been using version 5 since it started in development almost two years ago. I don't use Auto Magic, but I do have the info bar set to display auto-briefs so that the entire left side of my screen has auto-briefs in RT. I keep my stats window down at the bottom of the auto-briefs list. I set my minimum reminder to 1 so that if I have a shorter way of writing ANYTHING, I'll get a reminder of it.
It's helpful that the auto-briefs are different colors now, and you can customize the display colors for Requested, Reminder, and Normal briefs. You can also change the font they display in and the number of each type that show in the list.
I use a macro to toggle the left pane on/off. When I'm editing connected to my monitor at home, I actually prefer the left pane on even though there's nothing in it because my transcript text is then centered on the screen. When I'm elsewhere editing on my notebook, I shut the left pane off because the screen isn't all that large. When on jobs, it's on so I can see all my auto-briefs.
I don't have much to add to the division interval/DropBox discussion because I haven't tried setting that up and using it, though I would like to. I have seen mentioned that the reporter and scopist must be on the exact same version of Eclipse, so probably not one on .14 and one on .16. If what you've installed from the disc is .14, then you should probably update to .16, which has a few bug fixes, including these, which were in added in .15:
- Division interval feature should not attempt to auto-rename divisions
Division names must continue to match the original file name, even if it's an automatically generated one. The auto-rename feature will now be ignored if the user has a division interval set.
- Division interval feature could sometimes attempt to divide twice in the same interval
The feature will now only divide once per interval no matter the length or timing issues.
I've apparently successfully dumped my files into my scopist's DropBox folder (she's happy). I'll contact you here in case anybody else is interested (although feel free to e-mail me at judyrunes@yahoo.com).
First of all, I did 90-minute intervals (I realize your 5-minutes were for test purps).
No, I had no underscores in my file name (my file names are 20111029 Smith v Jones Jim Jones: date with the year first/month/day, then case name, them wit name) with no punctuation/dashes/underscores.
Since I'm new to v5 and was unsure whether it would dump the audio along with the ecl file, I also utilized my Total Recorder files (or at least I thought I did). (There's always the possibility that I did not set that "dump" correctly (more than one step).) And even if I did pull that one off correctly, there would not be wav files and not able to be merged with Eclipse (which makes me think I flubbed).
Renee, my scopist, was able to very easily read it into the prior file. Just copied the new wav file into Eclipse and everything sync'd.
Maybe Renee will come in and tell you what she had to do on her end to achieve success. Forewarning: Renee is a newly retired reporter and is now scoping full-time, so is probably more Eclipse-savvy than most scopists (that was NOT a dig to scopists BTW).
Is anyone out there on Version 5 using division interval and Dropbox (reporter is on XP and the scopist on 7, if that matters)? A big concern is that the scopist and I have come across (get ready for this one) is that when she merged all the five-minute segments together, in order of them coming to Dropbox, the order they came is out of order, even though the name is in order for the time--meaning when I go into the Eclipse file on my system, the word "Pete" comes AFTER "under those circumstances," for example; but when I go to her merged file in Dropbox, the "Pete" is now BEFORE the "under those circumstances." Two files are jumbled (at least two). And, no, she did not inadvertently merge the files out of order--she merged them in order of the time in the filename.
Are y'all using the underscore for the file name? When I do that, the .wav file will not send to Dropbox, period.
For anyone using Dropbox (or a like service) on Version 5 and division intervals and all is well with sending the audio and the ecls, please contact me. I would love to get your settings. amandaleighcsr@gmail.com.
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