Eclipse Version 5 Users


Eclipse Version 5 Users

This group is for Version 5 users to share what aspects of Version 5 they are using and well as requests for help as problems arise using Version 5.


I just downloaded Version 5 (a year after it came out), and I feel like I'm learning Eclipse all over again.


Would greatly appreciate input from other Version 5 users.


Members: 106
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2022

New Member

We have a new member, Linda Cook!  Welcome, Linda!  Hope this group is helpful to you.

We are now up to 99 members.  Just need one more to hit 100!!!!

Discussion Forum

Version 6 and Connection Magic

When I'm doing Connection Magic with my scopist and the attorney wants to go back a couple of hours earlier in the transcript to look at an answer or whatever, the software won't let me go past where…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Jun 18, 2015.

Jeremy has posted some fixes for issues in V6.

Courtesy of Joyce Davis:From Jeremy:I have just posted a patch in the downloads section.There are only two changes in this version to address two issues that have been reported....I would…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Oct 20, 2014.

new member 1 Reply

We have another new member, Tammi Lee!  Welcome, Tammi!Continue

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Kyung Aug 13, 2014.

Trying to find a compression level for an ASUS laptop 4 Replies

I'm having trouble finding a compression level for recording on an ASUS Q400 laptop.  I've tried high rates and low rates and they all sound the same -- barely audible on playback.Any…Continue

Started by Freddie Reppond. Last reply by Ana Dub Jun 6, 2014.

Comment Wall

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Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 28, 2011 at 16:09
Wynne, those are if you have hyperkeys turned on.  I guess they don't work and you have to make a change.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 28, 2011 at 16:08
Are you guys saying they are set up now Macro: 2-stroke Global - Hyp and there is a 7 there but it doesn't work and I need to go in and put Alt+7?  And then instead of hitting just 7 for the two stroke, now I have to hit alt and then the 7?  Just want to make sure I understand.
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 28, 2011 at 16:07
Marla, are those 7 8 and 9 macros.....was that if you had hyperkeys turned on?
Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 28, 2011 at 15:20
Get into Eclipse version 5 and get in the edit tab/keyboard button.  Make sure Hyperkeys is checked and go down and see if you have Alt + 0, Alt + 7 - like that.  Those are the default macros.  I don't have the ones with the alt, but I do have them for the shift + 0, Shift + 7, etc.  I must have put them in a long time ago.  Decide what key you like to use the best and then put them in if you do not have them.  You would put them in by clicking on the add button and in the drop-down box search for the one that looks like this:  Macro: 2-Stroke Global - Hyp

Just select each one and put the keystroke in.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 28, 2011 at 15:12

Shit!  That sounds like a royal pain in the ass to change.  I know nothing about those macros and how to change them.


Is there a way to disable those editing changes?

Comment by Marla Sharp on October 28, 2011 at 15:04
Sorry I wasn't clear, Wynne.  A default macro/smartkey in Eclipse was, when you hit 7, Eclipse would highlight two words, 8 would higlight three words, 9 would highlight four words, and 0 would highlight five so that you could define them.  Easier than hitting ctrl G three or four times. 

Those default macros are still in ver 5, but you have to go into the macro and change the keys to be shift+7, shift+8, etc., because the 7, 8, 9, and 0 keys now default to the editing choices listed in the task bar on the left.  Does that make sense?
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 28, 2011 at 15:02
Hi, Judy!  Glad you're here!
Comment by Judy on October 28, 2011 at 14:53
Hi Wynne!  Great idea for a group!!!
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 28, 2011 at 14:23
Glad to see you here, Amanda.  There are a lot of details with this Version 5.
Comment by Amanda Leigh on October 28, 2011 at 14:20
Thanks, Wynne--great group!  Already learning so much!! Go Team 5! :D

Members (107)


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