Alan is out - finally - I'm watching one of the Jane's. Got carried away copying various backgrounds. I have about five in reserve now! Finished up that 32-page depo I took yesterday. Must finish tax stuff tomorrow!
Is it my computer, or is Depoman slooooow today?? Now I can't even get logged in. Wrote something and then it didn't add it. It's always when I'm short on time and in a hurry.
Haven't been on all week, so it's a bummer I can't do a quick read. WAAA!!!
This is the first time I've seen you in the online chat box, clicked on your picture and come to your page to actually see the online button under your lips with a green light. I wonder why ...
Brenda, I'm turning the computer off now, but wanted to check out your page to see the latest! Got back at 9:00 after visiting my massage therapist friend Carol after my depo that started at 9:00 and went until 2:00 with one hour for lunch. That's way too much hard and fast writing for me. Love your page's background. Have you seen mine lately? Hope all is going great, Jenny
Been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping to take some days off next week to get caught up. Right now I'm waiting on my pizza to arrive so I can settle in with the honey and watch Survivor. I missed the opening show last week because of a late evening depo. I was having severe withdrawal symptoms! LOL!
Another pretty page, Brenday! Makes me ready for Spring. My daughter's B-day is the first day of Spring, March 20. Only way I'd be able to remember
that. She'll be 23. Makes me feel O-O-OLD.
Thanks, i feel much better but still sick :(
I love this cat, she is so smart and never shuts up, she likes to talk to people and all my friends (even the ones that dont like cats) talk back to her, lol.
Oh my gosh! Isn't it silly we're communicating online when we live in the same town?
I'm good - actually working parttime now (though it takes a lot of diligence) and loving it.
How goes it with you?
Thanks. I had help from Warren Schroeder. However, when I was doing that I think that my photo went into Warren's folder, and now you see a picture of me instead of him. I have no idea how that happened, but l...
I *do* need to put a photo up here. I need something recent since I got my hair cut in October. Hmm . . . maybe I'll put up my darling dog Sophie NEMT (in the meantime).
I was on a discussion thread the other day and saw your name and comments in the string. Was wondering if you wouldn't mind expanding a bit on "tucking" or where I could get more info on it? I sort of grasp the concept but I'm sure there's much more to it; actually tried it yesterday in my depo. Found a few conflicts, though. Nothing that couldn't be worked out.
Also, what's with the shoe pics? Do you sell them? Very cute pics, by the way!
Ha! I'm taking it down tomorrow. What a week! Do you get a break this weekend or is it work and more work for you? Alan is out tonight so I get the TV. I've got to finish watching Hard Day's Night!
Oh, I want some cookies!!! My mom told me my first sentence was, "Grandpa go buy ice cream and cookies." He had just come back from the store with the goodies - not that I was demanding he get me some. I'm not making this up - I just called my mom and asked her!
Brenda, I'm so disappointed! I went to the store and bought some more ice cream, but it looked a little sunken so I exchanged it for another one when I was at the counter. Only one patient man behind me. Anyway, it didn't look too much better, but I figured what could go wrong with ice cream. So we start eating our yummy treat, and it's awful!!! Gooey and gross. No ice cream for me after all - boo-hoo! Yes, I'm getting my money back tomorrow!
I'm trying to post at Depoman, but I can't log in and I can't seem to find a way to contact anyone about it. When I try to email the moderator it asks for my user name & PW, which doesn't help me any. Is there anyway you could email him and ask him to email me my username & PW. I've checked my old email and found where my account was activated but no UN & PW. my email is
Oops, I erased the wrong post. Oh, well, you had already read it. I was fixing a typo and thought I was erasing the last but dropped down one, I guess. DUH!!
Are you talking about the guarantee?? What is it, 30 day??
Just scares me becaues I just read on Greta's page about it splitting strokes. Just hate to go from being frustrated with my Mira to frustrated with the LS.
Still got to go read the thread. Maybe you started it here. I know the one on Depoman is too long, but it wouldn't hurt to read it backwards after that last software update that fixed the main stack problems, so I hear anyway.
How do you do it? Your page is always changing and always beautiful. There's just never enough hours in the day for me. Maybe when my kids are older?? Someday, right? I feel as if I'm always scrambling, LOL!
I ordered those egrip things for the LS. They should be here any day. Other than that, not much new. I was just reading your posts, are you under the weather? Get to feeling better soon. We had the flu in our house earlier this year and it is NASTY!!
Hello, Brenda!
I'm a fellow deposition reporter in Northern California. You are utilizing the LightSpeed writer; right? A group of about 10 reporters purchased the LS at the Deposition Reporters Association convention a couple of weekends ago. I haven't had time to fiddle with mine yet. One of my friends took hers out to a couple of jobs this week. Her comment was that the notes were a bit messy. Then she posted an e-mail today saying that she had been practing on the maching for a long time and it suddenly quit working. She tried rebooting everything and changing com ports, but to no avail. Have you heard of anything like this before? Any feedback regarding the LS, or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Hi Brenda!
Wow, what a profile (Wild Kingdom) background you have,,,really made me think of Puerta Vallarta back four years ago,,,on a cable and trolley with my feet in front of me doing 50 mph through the jungle..nice memory!
So, you ARE what I'm trying to be, a CR,,,i'm the hardest HALF of the way there, now making major progress in speed and vocab, etc.
Anyway, nice meeting you, take care and God Bless!
Adam D. Miller
(Hey, cut me a break. It's my first attempt at LOLCATS-speak.)
Jan 28, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I just found a Valentine background for my page. I'm officially possessed!
Jan 29, 2008
Jan 31, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jan 31, 2008
Haven't been on all week, so it's a bummer I can't do a quick read. WAAA!!!
Jan 31, 2008
Jan 31, 2008
Jan 31, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 1, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
This is the first time I've seen you in the online chat box, clicked on your picture and come to your page to actually see the online button under your lips with a green light. I wonder why ...
Feb 2, 2008
Feb 2, 2008
Feb 2, 2008
I thought it was okay. Could have been better.
I would like to see him in concert. He's in So.Cal. soon. Think at the Hollywood Bowl and somewhere else. Clay has already hinted about tickets.
He's hard to tell no . . .
Your page is always so incredible.
Signed, Ms. Boring.
Feb 8, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 12, 2008
Deborah L. Willoughby
Feb 14, 2008
Deborah L. Willoughby
Feb 14, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 15, 2008
Marjorie O'Rourke
Your page looks great, and looks like you do need those umbrellas to protect your shoes! ;-)
Feb 15, 2008
Lisa Moskowitz
Feb 15, 2008
that. She'll be 23. Makes me feel O-O-OLD.
Hope you had a great week!
Feb 16, 2008
Lillian Freiler
Feb 17, 2008
Kelli Combs (admin)
I love this cat, she is so smart and never shuts up, she likes to talk to people and all my friends (even the ones that dont like cats) talk back to her, lol.
Feb 17, 2008
Phil Stillerman
Oops -- I think I'm outa-line there.
Feb 17, 2008
Glen Warner
Nice to be here! One of these days I'll get around to modifying my home page, but it may be a while.
Hmmm ... I didn't know they made umbrellas for shoes!
Feb 18, 2008
Warren Schroeder
The vote is tallied, you're a shoe-in for
friendship. ;)
Feb 18, 2008
Warren Schroeder
Feb 18, 2008
Wendy Freeman
I'm good - actually working parttime now (though it takes a lot of diligence) and loving it.
How goes it with you?
Feb 18, 2008
Warren Schroeder
Feb 18, 2008
Phil Stillerman
Feb 19, 2008
Just read your post to Jessica, I think it was, about tucking the initial R- with bumper. I woulda never thunk it!
Feb 19, 2008
Warren Schroeder
I'm back to normal now! Just testing my work on Phil's avatar. (Hope I look that good when/if they start the chemo).
Feb 19, 2008
Jill S. Driscoll
Feb 21, 2008
Virginia Dodge
I *do* need to put a photo up here. I need something recent since I got my hair cut in October. Hmm . . . maybe I'll put up my darling dog Sophie NEMT (in the meantime).
-- Virginia
Feb 21, 2008
Tracy Perry
I was on a discussion thread the other day and saw your name and comments in the string. Was wondering if you wouldn't mind expanding a bit on "tucking" or where I could get more info on it? I sort of grasp the concept but I'm sure there's much more to it; actually tried it yesterday in my depo. Found a few conflicts, though. Nothing that couldn't be worked out.
Also, what's with the shoe pics? Do you sell them? Very cute pics, by the way!
Feb 22, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Thinking of you. Note my page!
Feb 22, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 22, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 23, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 23, 2008
Naola "Sam" Vaughn
I'm trying to post at Depoman, but I can't log in and I can't seem to find a way to contact anyone about it. When I try to email the moderator it asks for my user name & PW, which doesn't help me any. Is there anyway you could email him and ask him to email me my username & PW. I've checked my old email and found where my account was activated but no UN & PW. my email is
Feb 25, 2008
Naola "Sam" Vaughn
Feb 25, 2008
I used to write bottom BOM, too. Switched bottom to BO, so now I can go "bottom of the" BOFT, top of the TOFT.
I add an asterisk to lots of body parts AND offensive words, so ass gets an asterisk A*S. Easy. So does butt and leg and nose and fu** and eye
Still shaking my head.
You know, and I was a pretty good speller, but why make the mind go there when it doesn't have to -- at least 95% of the time, anyway.
End of my rant. Sorry!
No wonder the average time for a reporter to acquire their CSR in CA is four years, eight months. At least last time I checked.
I promise. No more.
Feb 25, 2008
Feb 25, 2008
Just scares me becaues I just read on Greta's page about it splitting strokes. Just hate to go from being frustrated with my Mira to frustrated with the LS.
Still got to go read the thread. Maybe you started it here. I know the one on Depoman is too long, but it wouldn't hurt to read it backwards after that last software update that fixed the main stack problems, so I hear anyway.
Feb 25, 2008
I think she just posted it on Greta's page about the split. If you get a minute, check it out for me.
Feb 25, 2008
Go to bed. Hope you feel better in the morning!
There's some awful stuff going around here in So. Cal. We're on the upswing now, but it's been tough.
Feb 25, 2008
Tina Givens
How do you do it? Your page is always changing and always beautiful. There's just never enough hours in the day for me. Maybe when my kids are older?? Someday, right? I feel as if I'm always scrambling, LOL!
I ordered those egrip things for the LS. They should be here any day. Other than that, not much new. I was just reading your posts, are you under the weather? Get to feeling better soon. We had the flu in our house earlier this year and it is NASTY!!
Feb 26, 2008
Lorrie L. Marchant
I'm a fellow deposition reporter in Northern California. You are utilizing the LightSpeed writer; right? A group of about 10 reporters purchased the LS at the Deposition Reporters Association convention a couple of weekends ago. I haven't had time to fiddle with mine yet. One of my friends took hers out to a couple of jobs this week. Her comment was that the notes were a bit messy. Then she posted an e-mail today saying that she had been practing on the maching for a long time and it suddenly quit working. She tried rebooting everything and changing com ports, but to no avail. Have you heard of anything like this before? Any feedback regarding the LS, or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Feb 26, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 27, 2008
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Feb 27, 2008
Rhoda Collins
my photog site was updated... if you wanted to check that out, lol. I am excited!
Mar 1, 2008
Wow, what a profile (Wild Kingdom) background you have,,,really made me think of Puerta Vallarta back four years ago,,,on a cable and trolley with my feet in front of me doing 50 mph through the jungle..nice memory!
So, you ARE what I'm trying to be, a CR,,,i'm the hardest HALF of the way there, now making major progress in speed and vocab, etc.
Anyway, nice meeting you, take care and God Bless!
Mar 2, 2008