Rick Louie


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court Reporting student group to your right.
    just click "Court Reporting students" and "Join Court Reporting student"

    We are into our 4th week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.

    Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
  • Nancy Wallace

    Hey Rick,

  • Cammi Bowen

    Hi, Rick. Remember me?

    When did you become a student? Are you still working for Gigatron?

    It's nice to see you here! ~Cammi
  • Cammi Bowen

    "Thanks for remembering me."

    You bet! You were always such a help to me on the forums!

    The reporter I was scoping for switched to Case Catalyst, so I followed her. I also started court reporting school and am still there. I hope to get out this year and start working in court.
  • Renee Bencich

    Hi Rick! How are you? Thanks for your help yesterday with my cable issue. I ordered the wireless hookup. What would we do without you?? I guess we'll find out soon, since you're in your 200s!
    Renee "Screech" Bunde
  • Rick Louie

    Hi Screech! Hope it works well for you!
  • Sherry Ruschell

    Hi, Rick! Mohen's at it again.
  • Nancy Wallace

    Hey, you're online. Did you get my voice mail?
  • Nancy Wallace

    Hey, Rick, did you see we can upload up to 1G with this website?
  • Rick Louie

    Yes, I've been playing with it. It's nice. It's a link to youconvertit.com -- which is very cool...you can convert practically any type of file to any type of format! It's GREAT! I didn't get your voice mail -- missed call, but no voice mail.
  • Nancy Wallace

    I see your response below from yesterday 6:15 p.m., but I didn't get your response on my CSR page, so that's why you got my voice mail that you're snubbing me, which you weren't at all. So sorry-LOL. Why didn't it show up on my page? This whole website is busy, busy and a bit confusing to me. I'll get used to it the more I use it.
    Did you get the writer from StenoDoctor?????????
  • Rick Louie

    Yep, and my machine is in for overhaul. Just about that time -- getting noisy. Don't want to bother other students. ;-) Yeah, this CSR Nation is cool...the pages are a little too "busy" though. If I was bored, it'd be really cool -- lotsa info. But for busy people, it's just too much.
  • Tim Brunk

    What? No picture???

    How are you doing Mr. Rick? Hope school's going well and we'll have to chat soon.

    Take care.
  • Rick Louie

    Cool -- glad to hear you're on here too, Tim. Maybe I'll have a picture on here one of these days.
  • Rick Louie

    Hey Paula, at least you figured out how to get a picture up there! ;-)
  • Nancy Wallace

    Hey there!

    Have you shared this site with Anne yet? Tell Anne I think Leo should join CSRNation. =)
  • Nancy Wallace

    Did you check out the pics? Go into the album cause I have comments for every picture.
  • Rick Louie

    Yeah! You did a GREAT job on those! Awesome!
  • Nancy Wallace

    Yeah, thanks. Can you think of any other pictures? Hey, what about your page? Ms. Chaos is now a member, did you know that? OMG
  • Rick Louie

    Maybe when I have more time. You picked a good array of pictures to cover everything.
  • Julie Russell

    Hello All,
    Yep, I finally made it on here. It is pretty cool!!!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hi Rick! Just a heads up, if you want people to see your replies you should click on the "comment back" under their comments so the comment appears on their pages, Otherwise they might miss it.
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    Cool photo! I used to mt. bike, road bike, run, snow ski, water ski, lift weights, bungy jump, sky dive, race high-performance go-karts -- before kids and marriage. Now I can just barely squish in a power walk pushing the double stroller once a week and power yoga once or twice a week.
    Just be careful that you don't break a finger, wrist, arm, etc.!
    How's court reporting school going for you? What speed level are you at? Good luck and keep working at it! We need more good reporters out here!
  • Rick Louie

    Thanks Lorrie!

    Wow, you used to do a LOT. Yeah, I figure if I'm gonna break something, it'll be a freak accident...not from mtb'ing. ;-) I'm at 200 goal now, but I still have lots of room for improvement. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Kim McClintick

    Are you kidding me???
  • Kim McClintick

    crazy...show it to me, cause I don't see it anywhere! And no, I will NOT bet you on this!
  • Kurt

    Hi Rick. Been a real long time. Looks like you've been up to quite a bit -- including being enrolled in CR school. Right on!
  • Lupe

    Busted!!! I just wanted to say Hi!
  • Tim Brunk

    Just dropping by to say hey...

    Finally got a picture up. Jumping the bike, I like it.
  • Tim Brunk

    How are you are doing? Did you have fun at the convention?
  • Kris

    Yaaay, I got my machine!!! Tested it out this weekend and tho getting untranslates, I like the feel of the keys. I hope it gets better. Hmm, what else? I miss keys completely because I can't tell what bank I'm hitting (top or bottom). Usually not making contact w/ the final "B" for some reason. But bluetooth is working w/ no connection drops. I'm so tempted to take it on a short job. OK talk to u later.
  • Kris

    nope. not planning on using them, so if you want it, let me know. they'll just be collecting dust. but my machine is black, sleek, and oh so cool. but the question remains, will i be able to write on it? as of now, i can't even write on my own machine. heheh. more to come.
  • Kris

    hi. how's your writing coming along on the lightspeed? you're right about writing on the pads of your fingers. i'm still trying to change my style of writing. i guess it's like any writer, though. there's always a transition period.
  • Kris

    i took the rest of the week off to catch up on transcripts and regroup. so i'll stop by school tonight and drop the pads off. ttyl.
  • Kris

    does this answer your question. both look like this. lol. :D
  • Kris

    glad you like the cherry seed. it's not as salty as some of the other crack seeds out there that put your salivary glands into overdrive.

    u know, maybe your style of writing might be better. i'll try it.
  • Kris

    hiya. yep, i think your style is the way to go. :D more control. i shouldn't have doubted you. i might take the plunge and take it to a depo next week.

    okay. i have 3 questions. 1, what was on roaming mode when your bluetooth kept dropping; 2, have you ever run out of space on your sd card; and, 3, how do you get your files to save in a folder on your computer? i routed the files to a folder on my hard drive. the folder exists, but the files don't show up.

    i know you've been writing on your lap w/ the lightspeed, but today i wrote on the tripod, and i was writing a lot cleaner and with ease. might want to try that instead of that metal stand i had, because that metal stand is another $50 out of pocket.

    oh, and neo actually got leather pads from stenodoc because he said the ones we put on were too sticky. i, personally, like the tacky feeling and the thickness of the pads. he says his fingers get stuck.

  • Kris

    naw, when i said "your style," i DID mean writing on your fingertips. i should have listened to the master. you've been writing on it far longer than i.

    thanks for the response to my questions. i remembered you telling me your bluetooth was dropping, and i didn't want that to happen mid-depo.

    did neal show you his tripod setup? he pieced it together, and it actually looks pretty good. yes, i have got to stop making fun of him.
  • Kris

    oh mah gawd, i brought my lightspeed to a couple of easy jobs this week and thought, "hey, this isn't so bad." so i brought it to an expert yesterday and chemical names galore came up. i got a handle on it toward the end, but that was the longest warm-up period i ever had. i never dropped so much! good thing they didn't start asking for read-backs until mid depo. i'm still wary about those keypads. going to give it another week.

    just thought i'd share. have a great weekend!
  • Kris

    hiya rick! sorry took so long to get back to you. neo said he tried the smartwriter emulation and had some problems. i don't know the technical stuff, but apparently he wrote to you in detail about it, so nothing i say would help. he's still having problems with opening up files from the sd card, but he doesn't know which way to go (baron or smartwriter) because there's something wrong with realtime translation w/ one or the other. don't know which one. you'll have to ask him.

    as for the battery, did you send your machine back yet? what did they say? i guess i wouldn't know how long the battery lasts because i'm always plugged in. can't take the chance of it dying out in a depo; right? hope they can swap out with a better battery.

    guess what? i am actually writing better on my ls. i am writing on that metal cool pad again which is great. i was writing on a tripod for a week, but then i started to get lower-back strain due to using different chairs every day. not good when you have an all-day depo with no back support. i felt like an old lady when i ached getting up from a chair.

    however, it's soooo noisy. i have a feeling it's the stickiness of the keypads, so i'm heading to stenodoctor today to get the rubber pads. woo hoo, finally a day to run my errands. i'll let you know how it is. it's just as soft but not as thick, so it might hurt your fingers.

    ttyl, kris
  • Kris

    okay. will do. i'll let him know, and maybe you can figure it all out. he didn't mention anything about his battery dying yet, tho. wonder if he doesn't use it for more than 2 hours in a row for it to run out of battery power. but he did say his bluetooth dropped once on case. he still can't figure out why.

    so now that you're back on your stentura, which machine do you like better?
  • Kris

    hey rick,

    how long did they say it will take for them to fix your lightspeed? i hope that battery was just a defect and not the norm for their machines. that would be sad.

    reason why i'm asking when you'll get it back is because i won't be using mine. i'll lend it to you if you'd like. i tried using my 8000 lx again, and it feels oh so foreign, so i know how it is to transfer back to the old machine.

    i won't be using my lightspeed because i just got hired by la county. i'm not looking forward to getting on that 8000 lx again, but i guess i have no choice for now. just when i conquered that machine, i have to give it up. i've been writing on my lap, and i love not having back problems during long depos!!! i can keep writing and writing with less fatigue. i'm hoping county will approve it soon.

    so...if you'd like to borrow it until you get yours back, let me know. :D then maybe you can compare the battery life with yours.
  • Kris

    okay, okay. but if you ever need to borrow it, just let me know.

    btw, how is your writing on your old machine? would you ever go back? i'm kind of bummed that i'll have to give it up for now.

    yeah, get into the county!!! retirement. woo hoo!
  • Kris

    uh, oh. i better not speak too soon. not sure if my lazy butt can handle a full-time job. heheh. i'm at least going to give it a try.