Stephanie Leslie


Orange County, CA

United States

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  • Kyung

    I e-mailed you with some info and my cell number. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Lindsey Perry

    Hi, Stephanie. Good for you and your hubby for starting a firm! Congrats! I'm in Northern California, but should you ever have any clients coming up this way, I would love to help out with their depos! You can contact me at or (916) 521-5215 if you ever need me. Hope to work with you in the future!

    ~Lindsey Perry, CSR #12806
  • Lindsey Perry

    I noticed that you are 25 too! I passed the December 2003 test. What about you? I'm sure we have TONS in common. I have quite a few friends that live in So Cal. Next time hubby and I are visiting, I'll have to call you so we can do lunch! Yes, please feel free to call me and chat! I'm glad I found you on here :)
  • Paulina B.

    Hi Stephanie,

    Sorry, but I will be unavailable at the end of January. I won't even be in Vegas until February 2nd. Check your e-mail on CSR Nation, because I e-mailed you the NRS statute a while back. Hope you find someone to cover that job.
  • Lindsey Perry

    Stephanie, it was so nice talking with you this morning. I'm glad to have met a new court reporting friend! I hope we will have lots of work together in the future, and I'll e-mail my attorney friend your firm info. I hope he'll have some work for you! His name is Ryan Hodge, FYI.
  • Paulina B.

    If you look on your main page in the upper left-hand corner, you should see your name and an envelope next to it. Click on that and that should open up your inbox. But real quickly, here is the excerpt that I sent to you:

    NAC 656.320 Acceptance of work from firm; service in foreign jurisdiction. (NRS 656.130, 656.250)

    1. A court reporter shall not accept work or assignments from a firm that is not registered with the Board. A court reporter may make inquiries to the Board to determine whether a firm is registered with the Board.

    2. A court reporter may provide service as a court reporter in any litigation that is commenced or maintained in a foreign jurisdiction if the court reporter complies with the requirements of the regulatory body that governs the practice of court reporting in the foreign jurisdiction.

    So in essence, if the suit is filed in California, I could do the job for you since I am a California reporter. If the suit is filed in Nevada, you would have to network with one of the registered agencies in Nevada. I could still do the job, but it would have to be through that agency. Hope that helps.
  • Lindsey Perry

    Hi, Steph:
    I received the reporter packet today. It is very nice! Thank you. I'll get the info filled out and sent (or faxed) back to you. Thanks again!
  • Rick Louie

    Hi Steph!

    Nice meeting up with you! I didn't even know you were on here until today.
  • Kyung


    I dropped off the paperwork at your office today. The building is very nice and professional looking. I'm sorry I missed you.
  • Kyung

    That would be great. I'm always willing to take a break for coffee and chat.
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    Hello, Stephanie!
    Hopefully the next time I can help you out with a job up here in Northern California! Wish you could make it to DRA next weekend!
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    My address is: 1706 Algol Court
    Petaluma, CA 94954
    I'll keep an eye out for the packet.
  • Kathleen

    I passed my 200's on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited!!! Hey, do you know if 4-voice is a reason why I should have to wait 6 weeks to sit in qualifiers? What do you think? Any good long depo's coming up?

    <3, Kathleen
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    Hi there. Just thought I would say hello. My name is Mary and I'm in OC. I am a staff reporter with an agency and have a few of my own clients but feel free to call me whenever you need help in OC. With the way cancellations go, you just never know. I hope to be able to help you out sometime. You can contact me further at Thanks =)
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    Hey, I never got a notification that you sent me a comment and I just saw it now. Sorry about that. I'm going to add you as a friend so I can send you a message, in response to Jilio, as opposed to a comment, or actually email is better so I don't have to keep logging into this site to have an exchange =) I did work with Jilio...when it was Jilio, but that was quite a long time ago, 2001-2003. Then I left and started freelancing...much better way to go! Talk to you soon
  • Kyung


    Are you going to Marla's thing on the 13th?
  • Lindsey Perry

    Hey, Steph! How are you? Took the RPR on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I passed. Realtime is next... I KNOW I need that! So if you have some fast talkin' attorneys, send 'em my way for good practice. How's business for you down there?
  • Lindsey Perry

    That is so awesome your business is getting busy! I'm excited for you! Steph, you NEED to take the RPR. Now that you've been working awhile, you'd be surprised at how attainable it feels. I practiced for two weeks; mainly 240 tapes, which is FAST. You can do it! I'm thinking about taking the CRR this November if I passed the RPR. Good hearing from you! Keep in touch :)
  • Shelly Scott

    I figured out why LP's name looked familiar in print - she's on CSR Nation!

    How's your week been going? I'm going to run by your office today to pick up my goodies. Thanks again for driving, and let me know if you need any help.

    helllo, i am so excited to be a part of this web site. i feel like i am so close to working. it is such a great feeling. thanks for all your help and support today. you are amazing. i hope we can meet up one day. ill call u for sure next week to sit out. sounds great.
  • Kathleen

    Hey Stephanie!! How are things going with your agency? I finally finished my academics for the CSR and I really want to sit out with you again in the next few weeks. I haven't been on my machine since the test!!!! Anyways I look forward to hearing from you : )
  • Kathleen

    Stephanie, I PASSED!!!!!!! WOO HOO! I am so happy! I need advice though! What do I do now?!
  • Vanessa Delgado

    Hi Stephanie, I too, look forward to a great working relationship. Thanks for contacting me.
  • Jennifer

    Hi Stehpanie,

    I just checked out Regal's website. Congratulations on it's taking off. I'm not sure if you remember my emailing you quite a few months back. If you have any jobs in the LA area, I'm available.
  • Kyung


    How you feeling? Hope you're okay. I think there's something going around. I'm desparately try to avoid it.
  • Kathleen

    Hey Stephanie!!! OMG I have been sooo busy with my agency. It's been really fun. I have had a little bit of everything so far too! I am goign to call you this weekend so we can catch up. I have been sick (i think from all the stres) for a few weeks now and my voice is FINALLY starting to come back. I will call you soon!!!!
  • Kathleen

    Hey! How are you? How was your thing in San Fran? Work has been slow the past two weeks! If you ever need a reporter to help out with work for your agency you can always call me!!
  • Kyung


    I just read your news on Kathleen's page. Congratulations. That's awesome.
  • Kyung

    That's great. The second tri is the best. Enjoy it!!!
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    I just saw on Kyung's page your writing about being pregnant. Congratulations!!! I am going to the hospital on Sunday night to be induced with my first child (two weeks early due to being high risk because of high blood pressure) We are very excited....having a little girl. I hope your pregnancy goes smoothe. It affects everyone different though. I never got any morning sickness, but I also had absolutely NO energy the whole time, including the second trimester. I kept waiting to feel that burst of energy in the second but it never happened. And I worked pretty much full steam ahead until the week before Thanksgiving, finishing up my last transcripts that week. It reallly started hitting me, the dreaded uncomfortableness I had heard about. I was hoping I would miss that too, but nope. I'm sure you'll hear it all, and again, it depends on your body. I've heard a lot of people work up until a week or two before they deliver. I have no clue how they can do that. Perhaps in other professions, desk jobs, but I was so tired dragging my equipment in and out of my car, walking to office buildings, and wow, trying to bend over setting up my equipment towards the end was really hard. I'm older too, so that probably has some effect on how my body responded too. I'm on bedrest now because my blood pressure keeps going up, even though my med keeps increasing too, and we're just waiting for Sunday. Hope it goes uneventful for you!!!
    I think you guys have me in your system??? If not, please put me in. I'm playing it by ear, but probably not going back to work until March or so, but if you guys ever get any transcription work or telephonic depos, let me know. I'd be interested in them. Happy Holidays!
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    Well, I haven't really been staying in bed all the time.....and when I am, it's on the couch downstairs. They just don't want my blood pressure going higher than it already is. It takes me literally one minute to walk up 14 stairs and I am completely out of breath when I get to the top, so I try to stay either up or down. And I don't sleep very well, so I nap a lot during the day. It's so hard to turn over in bed but I have to about every two hours because the weight from the baby pushing down on my whole leg and side I'm laying on starts to get numb...and she is little...only weighed 5 pounds 1 ounce a week ago yesterday, so I imagine she's about 5 pounds 6 ounces now. It's a result of my blood pressure, but also part of it is the fact my mom was two weeks late with me and I only weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces. We were told your baby will be similar in weight to what you were when you were born .
    Sounds good on the work....but not until the beginning of the year. Probably mid-January I'll be ready to do some stuff that I can do from home. =)
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    Actually, we check in at midnight tonight. They induce me then, and my doc comes at 9:00 in the morning, so if all goes as planned, she should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the nice thoughts! =)
  • Kyung

    How are things going? Hope you're feeling okay.
  • Kyung

    Oh, I've been keeping busy. I'm just having to drive up to Los Angeles more than I'd like. But that's the breaks.

    Have a Merry Christmas.
  • Juliana

    Hi Stephanie. Remember me?! From South Coast. Hope all is well with you.
  • Juliana

    Hi Stephanie,
    Yes, I live in La Puente, which is close to West Covina, Walnut, Diamond Bar, etc. So I mostly work in L.A.
    So how are you? Anything new? Baby on the way?! Congrats on that. I hope everything goes well :)
  • Juliana

    Oh, I'm so happy for you! I'm enjoying my niece right now. She just turned eight months on Saturday. She's a doll. Wait till you have your little bundle of joy in your arms! ... I'm working with Hutchings. I work Mon-Thurs and occasionally Fri. I've heard you have your own agency. You must be a busy girl :) But busy is good :)
  • Kyung

    Just checking in and seeing how you're doing. Hope everything is going okay.
  • Kyung

    I'm doing okay. Caught a bit of the cold. It's going around, you know.
  • Paulina B.

    Hey Stephanie!

    I haven't logged on here in so long! Well, I did have Jordan, my son, on March 24th. He was born at 4:48 a.m.; 7 lbs, 6 oz; 20 inches long. I was actually scheduled to work on the 23rd, but my labor started late Sunday afternoon so I called my agency telling them it might be best for them to find another reporter! So I worked all the way up until it was no longer possible! So how are you? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? I'll have to post a pic sometime soon. I'm going to see how long I can stay home with him without having to go back to work. I at least want to be able to take three months off to be with him. I just knew he was going to come earlier than April 9th!
  • Mary Motley O'Brien

    Hey girl. When are you due??? How are you doing?
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey, it was great meeting you. I had fun that night. It was great getting together with fellow court reporters.
    I received my CA License in July, but I had been court reporting in Texas for three years. It's just soo different.
    I'm excited though. I will be returning for three weeks in July to Texas to visit family and my old firm is going to put me to work too.
    How are you doing? How's the baby?
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey Stephanie,
    How was your weekend? Mine was pretty cool. Worked on the yard and then went to a barbeque.
    I never received an email or phone call setting up an interview, but I would love to fill out any necessary paperwork and have everything set up before I go on vacation.
    Thanks so much.
  • Lisa Puettmann-Hawton

    Congrats to both you and exciting on your new blessing but don't plan on much sleep for a few months. You are a superstar, i.e. court reporter, agency owner, wife and now new mom (or soon to be. I don't know when you are due.) Good luck and blessings to you both.

    If you ever need help in Las Vegas or Henderson, give me a call. My cell is still the same at (949) 310-2810.
  • Paulina B.

    Hey Stephanie! How are you? Did you have the baby yet? I haven't been on here that much since having Jordan. Sleep and eating are higher on my list of priorities when I have any free time! FYI, we moved back to Huntington Beach last month. So happy to be back home and just in time for summer!
  • Kyung

  • Paulina B.

    Congratulations! Wow! 9 lbs! That's big! My body hurts from carrying Jordan all the time. He's already 12 lbs! It might also be playing Wii boxing this last weekend with the family. LOL That seems to be my form of exercise as of late. Still trying to decide when I'll go back to work. I miss it because I love reporting, but he's only a baby once and I don't want to miss out. I would feel sad if I came home and the babysitter tells me that she witnessed him roll over. What are your plans to go back to work? I know it's early, but have you thought about it?
  • Kyung

    Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful one.
  • Janet


  • Christine (Steno Nerd)