Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

Boulder Creek, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Realtime Deposition Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Court Reporter Friends
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Tami

    I guess I do need to join the Eclipse group, or maybe I have already in anticipation and forgot??

    You know the first line of your transcript?? Dateline?? What do depo reporters call it??

    You know you guys are just a STRANGE breed!! :)

    Pretend like you have 50 cases in one day, don't want to break the file and you want to write the first line or two -- header to your TRIPT??

    I need to call tomorrow and see where it is. I was busy today and didn't get a chance. Well, actually I could have at lunch but zoned.
  • Rajahnique Hubbard

    I agree that speed is definitely important so I definitely won't be taking to long. I'll probably just take the next one after the one in November. I actually did the Magnum Steno Club for a month it's what helped me pass my CSR. I'm thinking about trying to get into speed contests just because I can be a little competitive. Why not turn my career into some fun. :)
    I think it's cool that you and your siblings are all court reporters. I try all the time to get my siblings and my friends to look into court reporting. Nobody wants to bite. They all think it's too hard. Ah well. I'm on my own. lol
  • Tami

    My name is Tami, and I am a self-admitted WUSS! :)
  • Tami

    Only when it comes to judges, though.
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    Cute! Thank you, Jenny! :)

    Is that your beautiful backyard in the pictures!?
  • Lorna Brodie

    Thanks so much, Jenny! I really hope to make the most of this opportunity with Realtime Coach to improve my skills...whoo-hoo!!! Captioning here I come.
  • Tami

    Yes, Jenny, cherished.

    It's so funny we don't even need to go to each other's pages anymore to leave comments. We're getting down each other's travels pretty good.
  • Bette Fleming

    Thanks for your email. Yeah, things do seem to be slow all over the country. It will pick up, I'm sure. It would be nice if you would pass my name on to anyone you know that wants scoping, proofing, or transcription. My web site is BTW: Great photos!!!
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    You will have to let your mom know that I LOVE her backyard! It is beautiful! :)

    I would love to do some scoping for you and your sister someday! :) I do it every now and then when it is slow for me. Right now I am pretty busy, but I will let you know when I am slow again for sure! Thank you!
  • Tami

    Guess what I got today??? :=)
  • April Floyd

    Hey, did I tell you that I love the wallpaper you put on my site? Super cool - very '60's. Fresh colors! Thanks!
  • Tami

    I'm still at work. Busy week!

    I did just back off my pdict, so I can load it on. Clay is swamped, too, so I don't know if he has time to help me at all.

    So . . . I might be bugging my girlfriends. :)
  • Tami

    Still at work. :(

    My goal this weekend is to get it loaded on my laptop with my dictionary. That's it.

    Thank you for always being so helpful!!
  • Michelle Gerson

    Jenny, what a great pick-me-up! Loved it.

    Michelle Gerson
  • Rebecca Callow

    My pleasure!

    I had an awesome RT job last week and I learned SO much. I was outputting to LiveNote Stream, Bridge, and LiveNote. I love to talk about anything court reporting, and I think more reporters should be doing realtime, so I am happy to share what I learn if it will help others. Let's keep the dialog going!

    Good luck with RED! Have I hope you have a great weekend too.
  • Rebecca Callow

    Yeah, I was a little nervous at first seeing as though I hadn't hooked anyone up with cables for a long time. This was a HUGE patent infringement case with only two parties, but each side had like six attorneys and four on site wanted realtime. There were others around the country hooked up to the LN stream. The internet signal wasn't strong enough for the onsite attorneys to hook into the stream, so they were insisting on cable hookups. I took my spare laptop for one set of attorneys to share, and thankfully the other attorney was computer savvy and didn't need me to help him! So all in all, hooking them up wasn't that bad. I won't be nervous next time!

    My intention was to get them all on TeleView with my little router, but I couldn't get it figured out quick enough, so I just went the old school way! I am going to figure out an easy way to get my little router intra-net and TeleView going and then just tell the attorneys that I don't have any cables and if they want realtime they have to do it through a browser. HA!

    I don't like CaseView and LiveNote because they doesn't refresh!! What is the POINT!?!

    I've also got learning the multi-line block with several different output formats on my to-do list. I'm going to see if I can't get five laptops with three or four different viewer products going at the same time. That will make for a good post, eh?

    I got 900+pages from this RT dep, and I am neck deep in transcripts right now. I wanna get them out asap, so I can get paid!! I finished 200+ today (wit 3 of 4) that's going to the proofreader in the morning. For now I am off to bed soon to read my book!
  • Rebecca Callow

    I love THAT! I wish you could hear how hard I am laughing!

    I hope I look like that little guy, he looks pretty happy with all that green...

    I look forward to sharing whatever I learn.
  • from Debra Maples

    Hey, Jenny - Can't seem to find the post or email right now but we've talked back and forth a couple of times and you mentioned some macros you didn't want to overwhelm me with a while back. If you would, I'm ready to be overwhelmed now!

    Thanks. Debra
  • from Debra Maples

    Thanks, Jenny. I'll look forward to getting them whenever you have a chance!
  • from Debra Maples

    No, not a pro yet but working on it. It's definitely coming along though. I'll look forward to that first transcript from you whenever it's right for you. And, yes, I am having so much fun on CSR nation. I have never really gotten into social networking even though I'm a member on several sites but, here, I LOVE it especially when I'm having fun AND marketing at the same time! I'm trying to figure what pix to put up at present.
  • from Debra Maples

    Hey, Jenny - I've gone through many of the 4th Tutor lessons, particularly those relating to editing, but not all. I was having some trouble getting the visualizers to work last time I did some lessons. I plan to get back to them next week. I found a lot were directed to reporters, though, as opposed to me on the editing end and that not all were necessary/appropriate for me on the scoping end. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this - and suggestions. Thanks! Debra
  • Catherine Anastasia Ryan

    Hi, Jenny ~ Hope you're having a fabulous weekend. Thanks for the work and the advice. I look forward to working with you in the future! Cat.
  • Carolyn

    beautiful. thanks Jenny!
  • Karen A. Jones

    Oh, my, Jenny! That's beauuuuutiful! Thank you!
  • Karen A. Jones

    Brenda pestering about FB?!?! Why do you think I finally set up a page there? LOL! But I heard it from Bev, Elsa, and Deanna too. I finally broke down after I went to a Yankees game with Barb DeVico and she posted pictures of us on her page. That FANatic in me makes me do wild and crazy things
  • Tim Floury

    I know! I just need some sort of new features, small as they may be. These last two development rounds have been quite late from previous years. Just the knowledge that they will be coming soon would be something.

    How have you been? Working a lot? I've got a ton of pages to get done and it's nice to get an email every now and then to distract me from the craps dealer employment case I'm working on.

    Talk to you soon,

  • Tami

    How beautiful, Jenny!! Love it!!

    What a week. My FAERNL had a stroke on Tuesday. Looked like lights out. Family was arguing about feeding tube, no feeding tube, etc., and Friday morning he wakes up and is 100% there.

    My husband's been at the HOPT most of the days and nights, but he's going home today. Closest thing to a miracle I've ever seen.

    We're just in absolute SHOCK around here.
  • Tami

    We also got to attend a BEAUTIFUL wedding on Friday night. It was at the place we got married 27 years ago. It's such a magic place, the Mission Inn in Riverside.

    After the great news Friday morning, I booked a room, so my husband and I had a fairy tale day AND night. He was so stoked I booked the room. When he got home from the HOPT at about 1:00, I told him to pack an overnight bag, BABY!! :)
  • Tami

    I really am the luckiest girl in the whole world, Jenny!! Thanks!!
  • Brenda Rogers

  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    I didn't know that you had sold yours! How much did you sell it for? I need to get mine sold. I just can't dial it in. Still have my Mira A3.
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thanks. I wasn't sure if I really liked the spiderwebs after all. Such an odd color!
  • Suzanne Pulver

    Thanks Jenny... I just joined the Total Eclipse group. Hopefully I can pick up some pointers on how to use the software. I understand I am going to love it ... right now just trying to understand it... i hate it! :( I wish it wasn't so complicated to get everything started. I just got a new laptop too, and was finally able to transfer my Eclipse over. It looks so great on my new Dell, I really want to learn to LOVE it! :) Hopefully in time.. I am open for any pointers/helpful tips..
    Thanks ..
  • Lorrie L. Marchant

    Thanks, Jenny!
    What is the Grand?! I have never heard of it.
  • Suzanne Pulver

    Thanks Jenny... I realized I posted in the wrong place AFTER I did it! :-l
    I will definitely touch base with you about the Eclipse.. my week is crazy too. Have a good one! :)
  • Tami

    No, the only weekend I've been doing, if any, is for Clay. After last weekend's 107 pages, I said, "No more!!"

    I have a three-day weekend -- paid holiday Monday. Gotta throw the little court perks in when I can, you know!!

    B-day party for my youngest on Sunday afternoon, so it's gonna get crazy around here!

    Massage in the morning, and I missed last Saturday because of our little excursion to the wedding, but my husband did give me a massage that was right up there with my girl. He gets into my feet and calves and lets me cry a little. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!
  • Janice McMoran

    Thanks, Jenny! That was one tough exam! Hoping they didn't have a glitch in their scoring machine at the testing site and the "Pass" results are real!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    That is beautiful! Thank you!!!
  • Carolyn

    sitting on the couch when Jadon is playing? no way. It was cold, our first cold snap. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Jadon made two touchdowns and a touchback. Then it was McDon's coffee and Arbys and now I'm back inside and cozy and doing pages.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hey Jenny! I have been doing pretty good. Feeling a little better but still have days when I am hurting in my neck.

    Weather here is sucky. No cool air for us yet, and lots of rain.

    My next job is Wed too! Still busy but I am current. Still just using a scopist and doing my own proofing. I do some small jobs.

    My scopist is wanting more work. Are you interested?

    How are you feeling?
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    The email address for my scopist is

    She's the one I told you was somewhat new to Eclipse, but she's pretty good and will do anything you ask of her. She's dependable and quick.

    I sent her an email and told her you may be contacting her.
  • Ashle Finch

    Thanks so much for the sweet comment!
  • Ashle Finch

    Awesome! Thank you! I grew up with two sisters and we fought like cats and dogs at times, but have always been as close as close can be. I love it! That's neat that you guys are in the same field. Once I get myself established as a scopist, I want to train my sister. Maybe she & I could be a team. =) And hey, I am just getting started, So if you know of any court reporters who are looking for a scopist that they can "train" to do things the way they like it, do let me know! I have been trained by one of the best! =)
  • Ashle Finch

    I certainly will! I take constructive criticism so very well and am not angry when corrected. I know I will make an excellant match for someone who has the time. =) Thank again so very much! Awesome tip!
  • Tim Floury

  • Rebecca Callow

    Hi, Jenny! You always bring a smile to my face and I love that! Thank you very much.

    Things are starting to pick up. I began with a firm that does not pay up front, and of course I did the bulk of my work for them. When it got to 10 weeks, $15,000 in billouts, and receiving very small paychecks, I started focusing my attention elsewhere.

    I found two very promising firms. Both run by female managing reporters who have been in the business a long time. Both pay up front and one gives a 5% bonus for me being a CRR. One is a regular depo firm and the other does all sorts of administrative hearings and stuff: Public Utilities, oil and gas; lots of steady work. Daily copies coming up in December, yay!!! Kind of a no brainer on who I'm going to want to work for. Unfortunately there isn't much realtime here in Texas yet... I've had a few RT jobs, but it just isn't as prevalent here like it has in other parts of the country, but when it does, I will be ready.

    Glad to hear you're busy. Have you been using your StenoCast Red? I am dying to know how it is. I'm going to take the plunge eventually, but I want to make sure I have plenty of work to finance the darn thing! Sheesh! Everyone loves it so much, I highly doubt the price will ever come down.
  • Audrey Ricks

    Thanks! I take a LOT of photos, but I'm always too darn busy to get them posted anywhere! I saw that I last updated my page in the spring, so I thought I better get with the season!
  • Audrey Ricks

    LOL! I swear I just put the Halloween decorations away a month ago!

    I will try this pumpkin carving link -- something tells me I'll become an addict! I've been intentionally staying away from all those FarmTwon apps and the like, knowing I'd get obssessed with those! I need something else to do (like that) like I need a hole in my head!
  • Mirabai Knight, CCP

    Hey! I've actually got the Kinesis Savant Elite footpedal and absolutely love it. I don't really need an ergonomic qwerty keyboard, because I try to do virtually all my writing from my steno machine. But thanks for the tip!
  • Laura Fowler

    Thanks for your response. LOVE your pix, BTW. As long as you are a CRR, CARTing is no problem in these hearings. I will keep you in mind. I don't get very many of these, so don't hold your breath. I may have them change the time to the afternoon so I can drive over there. They've done that before.