Marla Sharp


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance court reporter (RPR, CLR, CCRR, CSR 11924)
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Someone emailed me about it several years ago.

Comment Wall:

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  • Kyung


    Don't forget to put your social on the events list on the front page.
  • Kyung

    Looks good. I noticed that a lot of people from my area have suddenly joined lately. Maybe they'll come.
  • Kyung

    Buenos dias, Senora. Como Esta?

    Can you add foreign words/geography to the Words group.

  • Mike Gaines


    Thanks so much for the invite.

    Hope to make it. Have a depo that day (Sat!) in Santa Barbara!

  • Leslie L. White

    Marla, this is a cool thing to do! One thing I haven't figured out is how to find out what jobs are available to TAKE as a court reporter? I see how where you go to cover a job as an agency but how about the reporter who needs work. (4 day job just cancelled this week...boooo!)
    I enjoyed meeting you at the 10th outing! look forward to more.
  • Christine Kirley

    Thanks, Marla. I sent them what they wanted, but without the personal info. They are okay with that until I cover a job for them. That will give me a little more time. Identify theft is a big concern of mine, having had some issues this past year. I'll try Kyung. Thanks for that.
  • Kyung

    It's coming up!! Good luck. Don't be nervous!! You'll do great.
  • Kyung

    Check out my latest video on the main page.
  • Mirosalva

    Hi Marla,

    Thank you for your help. It worked! I've been troubleshooting all of my Eclipse problems on my own. In this economic crisis, I'm not able to have luxury of Eclipse Tech Support. I'm am so glad I joined Eclipse Group. Have a great weekend!
  • Mariana Kabadaian

    Hi, Marla! We met at the Standard downtown a couple of months ago. I was there with my friend Nadia Mitina. Thank you for your kind words!! I am really excited!
  • Kyung


    When's the next social? I think people are getting antsy.

    OC? Riverside? SD? SF (road trip!!) Just kidding.
  • Kyung

    How about Laguna Beach to catch a sunset.The Rooftop

    Then there's The Cliff.

    If you're looking a little more mainland, there's lots of fine wine shops where we could do some winetasting.

    Or we might have some whine & cheeze in view of the economy at the following places
    Symposium Wine Bar
    The Winery Maybe a Friday happy hour or very late Saturday happy hour kind of thing.

    Anyhoo, just some suggestions.
  • Kyung

    1099 thread is the website.
  • Rosalie DeLeonardis

    Yes, Marla, sorry, I did send a message to the whole group. This was my first time and I couldn't find a topic to put it under, and then I seen "Send message to whole group." Hopefully I won't get any e-mails back about that. Thank you for your help.
  • Mary Jacks

    Hello, thanks for getting back to me. i guess some of this computer stuff is new to me so sorry for the mass email. Anyway, I did find a cool lady here in my area, Brenda Rogers, and she actually came over and spent some time with me showing me how to do word index and mini trans, so now i can actually produce a transcript. I've been just sending them in to my firm "naked" so to speak and they've been doing everything, so this is fun learning all this new stuff1! thanks again for getting back to me:)
  • Kyung

  • Kathy Sherwood

    I am so glad you love her as much as I do. I've known her for quite some time and when she's ill or out for a while, gosh, I miss her!! I'll even revert to doing my own stuff instead of using someone else.
  • Linda Troxel

    Hi Marla!

    I'd be glad to help! I don't have a lot going on right now, so I am available whenever you need me. Please email me privately for more information.

  • Linda Troxel

    Sorry Marla, I thought my email address was posted. You can reach me at

  • Linda Troxel

    Hi Marla! I didn't receive your email, so I wrote to you. Please let me know if you received it.

  • Kyung

    Once again EXCELLENT!! get together. I love meeting new reporters and getting a chance to catch up w/the ones I've already met. You are doing a great service!!!
  • Eutko

    Hi Marla, I just read your posting in the Stentura 8000 Group about your machine. You mentioned that you purchased a ProCat Stylus and then wanted to sell it. Do you still have the machine for sale? I know that it has been nearly six months, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Thx
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey Marla, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I had a great time at the SoCal outing. Great place. Can't wait till the next one!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey Marla, me again. I just found out Kyung also likes tearooms. So, I thought I might put that in as a suggestion for a SoCal meeting. Anyways, I hope you're having a great week.
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    You know, since moving here I haven't been to any tea rooms. But the Mission Inn in Riverside has a wonderful, wonderful Sunday champagne brunch. A little pricey though ($34). Maybe Kyung will have some suggestions.
  • Kyung

    One of my favorite tea rooms is Vintage Tea Leaf in Long Beach, but you need to make reservations and put a down payment down, which can be a bummer. I love the Huntington Gardens, but you know that.

    I hear the The Tea House on Los Rios is good as well. The Posh Peasant in San Clemente is reasonable.

    There a ton of places in Pasadena - Chado Tea room. Leaforever is new.

    Of course, I always think of tea as an afternoon thing, maybe a Saturday afternoon.
  • Teresa Russ

    Hello Marla, I would like to attend one of these events. As a matter of fact, I see one of my former classmates in the above photo. :)
  • Kyung

    How was ESP? Did you have time to do any gambling?
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    HI Marla,
    yes, its J5.. thats little Michael singing.
    its one of my favorite songs growing up.. the funny thing is that I was a "metal head", my friends also were metal heads.

    I would play that song and all the "metal heads" in the room would drop their "toughness", shut up and listen.

    haha, good times.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Marla, I was just at the Vegas convention and was in the gadgets class Keith did, too. Wish I had met you while I was there. You post soooo much great information. It would have been great to say hello.

    It was my first time going to the Eclipse seminar. How about you? I came back with lots of good information and some new friends.

    Anyway, thanks for all the info you post.

  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hi...I was in the Sat auto indexing class and I also hope that I learned some things to help me get set up correctly. I was in the intermediate class on Fri and got a lot out of it. Cleaning up my dictionary, the phonetics table, and things I haven't had a chance to go back and look at yet! The punctuation presentation was great!

    I had a friend of mine with me but she's not a reporter, but did make new friendships. Keith did show so good toys and in particular I am interested in the Sound Professionals USB mic and a netbook. I have a MAC now but would like the netbook because it's smaller.

    Maybe we will meet at another seminar one day. I would enjoy meeting you. Where abt r u in AL?
  • Kim Gibney

    Hi, Marla, I really enjoy your comments on CSR. I would love for you to email me the excel spreadsheet and I'd love to hear about your briefs.

    I actually just passed the RPR this May and hope to be working soon! So excited.
  • Kim Gibney

    Thank you so much for the spreadsheet. I definitely want to get on the list for those briefs. :)
    Also, I was looking at the boostorooa (whatever the name of it is) What exactly does that do? Is it connected to the microphone and earphones. I couldn't even tell from the site what it does.
  • Amy

    Hi Marla,
    You know, I've had Eclipse ever since I graduated from school, way back in '04, the DOS version. I kept it until it finally died in 2006. I was afraid of change. I love Eclipse now, but I'm not really good on all the shortcuts, except the obvious ones I already knew from before. They're very similar. But I think you are going to be a great help to me and I'm hoping to learn a lot of new Eclipse tricks. Thanks so much. Just don't laugh when I may ask something stupid. You would think after 2 years of being on the new Eclipse I would be more savy, but NOT! The only thing I can say is to never let your support expire...LOL!
  • Kyung


    I feel like it's been forever since we've chatted. Drop me a line. What's you been up to lately?
  • Kyung

    Are you done touristing yet?
  • Kyung

    I thought you had out-of-town guests and were showing them around town.
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Marla!

    Just read your profile info... and I would LOVE to get your emailed briefs info! I'm always looking to write shorter, shorter, shorter so I can write faster, faster, faster!

    My email --

    Thanks so much in advance! Looking forward to your emails! :)


    P.S. Great poll, too, about punctuation! ;)

    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Heidi Johnson

    Hi, Marla...I saw that you had a stylus on the stylus page, and I just bought one at the convention a few weeks ago....just wondering how you're liking it, whether you have had any problems with it or anything...I got my bluetooth set up on sunday, but only after nearly going batty. I took it to a computer-geek friend, and he had problems too....took him over 2 hours to set it up for me. But seems to be working great now. I think I'm going to love it if I can just get the courage to take it out on a job :)
  • Heidi Johnson

    yeah, I had seen your comments about the bluetooth only working on sending what's on your machine to the attorneys and not the laptop...I actually hadn't even known anything beforehand, so I guess I wasn't so disappointed in something I never knew to begin with, if that makes sense. I can see why that would be a severe bummer for you, thinking that that was possible. I don't provide realtime yet, but when I do, I was expecting to get the stenocast setup.

    And I had also seen what you had written about the bluetooth...that's why I basically went straight over to my computer friend...I am so not "techie".....I'm just playing with it at home for now...going to start taking it on jobs next week. But each time, I've had no problems with the bluetooth, so that's encouraging.

    So far loving's a little daunting at first with the screen and stylus pen, but I guess it's not so hard. Very different from my stentura 6000LX for sure!
  • Diane D'Angelo

    Hi, Marla ~ I'm a Catalyst scopist! I see that we have a few friends in common!! Nice to meet you!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Marla, thanks for the invite to the wine group, but I don't touch wines at all since I'm a migraine sufferer. Thanks for thinking of me, though :)
  • Vita Maria DeBellis

    Good morning, Marla!!! Yes, I know you you are...and I apologize that I haven't made it to any new meetings that you put together.....I'm like not into to driving too when they get closer to me in logistics...I'll be there.....It's my birthday tomorrow!! So I'm going to finish up a nice birthday weekend! Good to hear from you..Keep in touch!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    thank you so much for your donation!
    We truly appreciate it... hope to see you soon again.
  • Kyung

    Nice new page. We've got smilies.
  • In Court Camera, Inc


    Thanks for the invitation, but I am already booked solid all day tomorrow. If you will be having future events, please include me, as I would love to go.

  • Global Precision Court Reporting

    Please send me briefs and also invites to outings. I'm in Illinois, but I'm in California a few time out the year, that's where my dad is. Thanks. Tamika
  • Global Precision Court Reporting

    My e-mail address is
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
    Happy happy birthday, Marla!