Allison Fowler
  • Female
  • Astoria, NY
  • United States
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Allison Fowler's Friends

  • Micah Adelstein
  • Gabrielle
  • Oscar Garzon
  • Kim McCloskey
  • Kathleen O'Connor
  • Licet Diaz
  • Anthony D. Frisolone
  • Susan Crivello

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Oh, S---???
7 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennie Ann Oct 26, 2009.

Health Insurance and Freelancing
13 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jeanese Apr 14, 2009.

Just finished school..what's next???
24 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Allison Fowler Feb 13, 2009.


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At 12:14 on November 30, 2009, Licet Diaz said…
how have you been?
At 13:58 on November 18, 2009, Licet Diaz said…
Hi Allison !!!
How have you been? Still plugging along in school. Just passed my 180 Jury and need more...what else is new. How is work? Are you working
At 3:53 on April 8, 2009, Kathleen O'Connor said…
Hi Allison,

I haven't been on this website in a while. How are you? Are you working?
At 10:31 on February 2, 2009, Kim McCloskey said…
I think that's a really good idea!! Good for you!!
At 10:23 on February 2, 2009, Kim McCloskey said…
Yes, It's a Dell. Mine has 16 and it works fine.
How are things going??
At 7:08 on December 1, 2008, Licet Diaz said…
Regina said you can work at 180 but like you said you have to be ready.
I really don't know why they don't use CAT in our school from the beginning.
Now it's even worse you only have an hour to transcribe and they write the time on your test paper. I saw Mr. F he told me you interned with him.
BTW how was Thanksgiving?
At 14:42 on November 29, 2008, Susan Crivello said…
I am going to get the Mira. I should have had a machine a long time ago. I just keep putting it off. I am going to order one this week, Are you sitting in? I am sitting in three times a week in court, but I need to get in with an agency. Did you pass any of your 225's yet? Try to take the worker's comp test. I believe it is coming up in January.

At 4:53 on November 29, 2008, Susan Crivello said…
Allison, you look very familiar to me. Are you going to LIBI? Are you in Mrs. Santucci 's class?

At 4:49 on November 29, 2008, Susan Crivello said…
Thank you Allison. So you are saying, you have the Fusion and write on the paperless mode, and it is much better when you write on the paper mode? Am I getting that straight? I am writing with no paper now on my student Stentura.

At 7:55 on November 26, 2008, Licet Diaz said…
You look really nice in this picture.