Laura E. Thornsberry
  • Female
  • Columbus, OH
  • United States
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Laura E. Thornsberry's Friends

  • Theodore T Nance
  • Suzanne Lee
  • Mindy Sindiong
  • Danielle M. Starkweather
  • Sharon Chafin
  • Lisa Jasmin
  • Network Deposition Services, Inc
  • Marcie L. Conn
  • Marla Sharp
  • Peter
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

Laura E. Thornsberry's Groups

Laura E. Thornsberry's Discussions

Phonetic alphabet??
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Laura E. Thornsberry Sep 20, 2013.


Laura E. Thornsberry's Page

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Laura E. Thornsberry joined Pamela Owen (BOSS Reporters)'s group
Dec 6, 2021
Laura E. Thornsberry replied to Marla Sharp's discussion Have you ever heard of this agency?
"Anyone ever heard of National Court Reporters, Inc.?    Email me"
May 25, 2021
Laura E. Thornsberry joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Western, Kentucky)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.
May 11, 2021
Laura E. Thornsberry joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Southern Illinois)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.Southern Illinois (south of Interstate 70)See More
Apr 22, 2021
Laura E. Thornsberry and Theodore T Nance are now friends
Dec 4, 2019
Laura E. Thornsberry joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Phoenix, AZ)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.
Jul 12, 2019

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Freelance Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Marla Sharp

Laura E. Thornsberry's Blog

Reading Back and a Reporter's obligation

I took an all-day depo and after the deposition, the attorney asked for a "rough draft".  So after going home and working on it all night, I sent him a "rough draft."  The next day he asks me to read from the "rough draft" certain sections into the record, which I complied.  The opposing counsel objected, of course, and made a comment that now an uncertified transcript is "in the record."  I don't usually add what I read into the record word for word.  I always put in a parenthetical. …


Posted on August 8, 2012 at 15:05 — 19 Comments

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At 15:19 on May 20, 2014, Danielle M. Starkweather said…

My email address is  Danielle

At 15:18 on May 20, 2014, Danielle M. Starkweather said…

I am available, Laura.  How many pages.

At 10:24 on July 29, 2012, Julie C. Thomas said…

Hi, Laura, and thank you for contacting me.  Yes, I am taking new scoping clients on CaseCAT.

If you haven't done so already, please visit my website at  You can e-mail me directly at

Again, thanks!

Julie C. Thomas


At 8:54 on April 21, 2012, Mindy Sindiong said…

Hi Laura,   Thanks for suggesting for me to get on here.  It was great working with you this week.  Have a great weekend.

At 6:29 on November 10, 2009, Donna Carlisle said…
Hi. Sorry I am just now responding. I kept getting an error code every time I tried to log on to CSR Nation. I would be glad to help you. You can contact me at

I look forward to hearing from you.
At 12:20 on December 24, 2008, Marla Sharp said…
FINALLY!!! How many months have I been nagging you to get on here?! So glad all my nagalicious efforts paid off.

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michael chait posted a status
"Searching for a reporter with 2 days a week available to work for my agency in New Haven area. We pay promptly &extra for live attendance."
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