Teresa McKinney
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Teresa McKinney shared a profile on Facebook
Oct 19, 2022
Teresa McKinney left a comment for Kelli Combs (admin)
"Ok, thank you :)"
Oct 11, 2022
Kelli Combs (admin) left a comment for Teresa McKinney
"If you want to do an actual discussion on the front page, below the last discussion, sort of hard to see, but it's in blue and it says "Add a Discussion."  You need to hit that and then a box will open for you to add any…"
Oct 11, 2022
Kelli Combs (admin) left a comment for Teresa McKinney
"You need to hit the tab to actually "Join the Group" first and then you'll see a tab to "Send Message to Group" so look for that tab.  You won't see it till you join the group first."
Oct 11, 2022
Teresa McKinney shared a profile on Facebook
Oct 11, 2022
Teresa McKinney left a comment for Kelli Combs (admin)
"Hi Kelli, thank you for responding.   I accidentally made my first new discussion post go to only scopists, I think.  I want it to go out to Everyone, all court reporters too, as well as scopists, but not sure how to make that…"
Oct 11, 2022
Teresa McKinney added a discussion to the group SmartCat - TurboCat Scopist (Send Work Request)

Anyone else out there on SmartCAT who is unable to get tech support for it?

Hi Everyone,I'm Teresa.  I'm a new member to CSRNation.I'm hoping to hear from others who have SmartCAT (I think it's now called Apeiron maybe?).  I have the version 4.2.0 SmartCAT Professional.   License Status:  Permanent.  So I legally own my version.  But this past Labor Day weekend when we had that heatwave on the West Coast (I'm in Nor Cal), I accidentally left my HP laptop on sleep mode, and got a text from PG&E imploring us all to shut off appliances that weren't needed or we could…See More
Oct 11, 2022
Kelli Combs (admin) left a comment for Teresa McKinney
"Welcome to CSRnation!! If you're looking for more work, don't forget to hit on the Cover Depos tab on the top of the main page, hit the red dot on the map where you'll cover work, and then click on the tab to "Join the…"
Oct 11, 2022
Teresa McKinney is now a member of CSRNation
Oct 11, 2022

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
court reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 13:07 on October 11, 2022, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

If you want to do an actual discussion on the front page, below the last discussion, sort of hard to see, but it's in blue and it says "Add a Discussion."  You need to hit that and then a box will open for you to add any discussion you want to add.

At 13:04 on October 11, 2022, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

You need to hit the tab to actually "Join the Group" first and then you'll see a tab to "Send Message to Group" so look for that tab.  You won't see it till you join the group first.

At 12:21 on October 11, 2022, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Welcome to CSRnation!! If you're looking for more work, don't forget to hit on the Cover Depos tab on the top of the main page, hit the red dot on the map where you'll cover work, and then click on the tab to "Join the Group." Once you do that, your email address will be saved with everyone else's email address and you'll receive email blasts of jobs in your area. You just contact the agency directly from the email with their contact info.

Good luck!