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Comment by Sharon Numrich on August 15, 2017 at 21:51

I am an Eclipse scopist.  My formal scoping training was through BeST Scoping Techniques.  I have a firm grasp of grammar/punctuation, research skills, transcript production, and medical/legal terminology; I also read steno.  I use Morson's and Gregg manuals, but I also defer to the reporter's preferences.  I welcome audio, and I work on the weekends.  My rates are reasonable, and I offer discounted rates on my first job with you.  I can be reached at 702-466-0301 or

Comment by Nancy Roy on August 13, 2017 at 13:24


I am a scopist on Procat.  I earned a degree in business.  I worked for many years for an insurance defense law firm as a paralegal.  I have been scoping for reporters for 30 years.  I started out typing for them while going to school.  I have worked for officials as well as freelance.  I presently work as a full-time scopist. I  am looking to pick up some work in Procat. Please contact me at 405-826-4557 or 

Comment by Elise Rosica on August 12, 2017 at 17:11

I am a new Eclipse scopist currently on version 7. My goal is to find a reporter who is willing and able to take on someone who is just starting out. Ideally, I am looking for overflow and part-time regular-turnaround work to start.  I have been through both BeSt and Accolade. I hold an MA in Communication and work from Honolulu, HI. Thank you for your consideration. Aloha, Elise Rosica

Comment by Linda Brown on August 11, 2017 at 16:52

I am a very experienced Eclipse scopist looking for a court reporter with whom to team up full-time, part-time and/or overflow.  I have experience in criminal and civil trials, depositions, town hall meetings, hearings, arbitration, utility board meetings and more.

My background is in nursing, which I did for many years.  I then moved into medical transcription, and seven years ago went to scoping school and have been scoping since.  Anyway, long story short, I have strong medical skills, am multilingual and am good with accents of many types.

For more information please contact me at or 541-653-8918. 

Comment by First Legal Deposition on August 8, 2017 at 17:03

Hello Reporters, 


   I am a 35-year plus veteran CSR living in Oceanside, CA, trained in Los Angeles, and SCOPING for reporters.  I use CASE CATALYST.  I have vast experience scoping my own jobs and have been scoping for reporters for over five years now.  I read steno and am familiar with all areas of civil litigation, have a great vocabulary and excellent punctuation skills.  I am conscientious, meticulous, and very prompt.   As a reporter I was a perfectionist, and I continue being so as a scopist.   I am well aware of the bells and whistles involved in reporting and comfortable working with full AudioSync.      

    I will work on the weekends and am available for expedites.  I am looking for overflow, part-time, or full-time work.  I am also open to working with reporters outside my area, in other parts of the country.  My page rates are reasonable, especially for California, and I am regularly very prompt in my turnaround. 

    Please e-mail me at or telephone me at 619.750.2339.   I look forward to hearing from you and working together with you in the future. Thanks.


     Arleen Duckat

Comment by Janet Cooper on August 7, 2017 at 14:29

I am available for overflow this week. Case Catalyst.  Please e-mail me for details and rates (they are good, I promise!)

Comment by Lorraine Flood on August 6, 2017 at 8:48

My name is Lorraine Flood and have been scoping and proofing for 30 years.  I am now currently on StenoCat, Eclipse, and Casecatalyst.  I can be reached at for doing scoping and proofing.

Comment by Gaylene White on August 3, 2017 at 13:43

I am new to scoping in StenoCAT.  I have 2 reporters that have been very happy with my work.  I would like to add one more reporter.  Please contact me at

Comment by Cindy Clark on July 24, 2017 at 11:33

How exciting! You've just received word that you're wanted on a daily-copy trial or series of depos! You are primed and ready for this opportunity. You have your calendar all planned out, and your dictionary is ready with the spellings of the topic-specific terms.

But wait a minute. What are you going to do about getting those files scoped and out the door every night without exhausting yourself? No doubt you will need all your energy for writing day in and day out. You still need some time for yourself; right? You still have a life to live. Eating and sleeping is probably going to be a good idea as well. So what to do?

Time to contact your elite team of Case CATalyst scopists and proofreaders. That team of professionals whose sole purpose it is to help you create that perfect transcript. That team that will have your fully scoped and proofed transcript returned to you soon after you've dropped that last bit into Dropbox - most likely by the time you get home and have a bite to eat! That team who takes your preferences and needs seriously and who pays attention to detail. The team with a collective experience of having worked on over 1,000 daily copy proceedings.

Time to call Case CAT All Stars YOUR team!

Your team leads are Cindy Clark, Lisa Hall Head, Joan Hurtis, and Sonia Flores, and we have several tried and true scopists and proofreaders to fill in the gaps when necessary. (References available upon request.)

Contact Case CAT All Stars at for more details.

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on July 22, 2017 at 4:28

I like long court trials, brief depositions with long-winded attorneys, and starry nights spent falling asleep at my computer (while scoping).

If you are looking for a scopist, look no further! I am an Eclipse 8 scopist looking for full-time or part-time reporters to fill my calendar.

In addition to scoping, I have over 12 years' experience as a medical language specialist.  I am detail oriented, proficient at editing, researching, and transcribing.  I offer lightning fast turnaround times and very reasonable rates.  Please feel free to contact me at for further information.  Thank you!  And have a blessed and beautiful day!

Comment by Lorraine Flood on July 17, 2017 at 8:25

Hi - my name is Lorraine Flood and I am a Case Catalyst proofer.  I have had 30 years experience.  Please contact me at  Thanks.  Have a great day

Comment by Al on July 1, 2017 at 7:20

Any SmartCAT reporters out there?  

Comment by Dawn Thompson on June 21, 2017 at 17:50

CASE CATALYST scopist - former reporter, 30 years experience - court and depos.

email me at:

Comment by Audrey Sheffield on June 21, 2017 at 7:48

Eclipse version 8 scopist here looking for full-time, part-time, or overflow work doing trials, preliminaries, depositions, etc. In addition to scoping, I have over 12 years' experience as a medical language specialist. I am detail oriented, proficient at editing, researching, and transcribing. I offer quick turnaround times and reasonable rates. Contact me at for more information. Have a beautiful day!

Comment by Lorraine Flood on June 21, 2017 at 5:27

I hope there is an Eclipse scopist out there somewhere that can help me.  I have been in touch with Eclipse but have never returned my call or email.  I am on Eclipse 7 and use a keyless system to access Eclipse.  When I do it comes with what Eclipse is supposed to look like, but then an passcode comes up and under the passcode is the username.  I click on the passcode to make it go away and I lose my whole Eclipse system and have to click on the Eclipse icon on the desktop.  Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong.

Comment by Deb Doran on June 15, 2017 at 13:26

Looking to add a reporter to my client base who wants a regular scopist.  I am on StenoCat 32 software, the latest version using mp3 audio files.  Please contact me by email to request more info and/or to set up a working relationship.  I have been a court reporter since 1985 and am transitioning to a scoping career.    KAOEP/T-/BRAOEF.

Comment by Darcy Federle on June 15, 2017 at 12:24

Case CATalyst scopist who uses Morson’s and full audio.  Proficient in reading steno and looking up all terminology/spellings. I have expertise in the oil & gas, maritime, medical, tax title sales, and rental properties industries.  Available full-time, part-time and overflow work. Email me at

Comment by AnnMarie Badalamenti on June 14, 2017 at 7:31

Looking for a little help with overflow?  Full audio on Case Cat.  I've been scoping since 1994.  Please contact me for rates/turnaround time at 

Comment by Janet on June 13, 2017 at 4:14

Scopist/Proofreader - Case CATalyst.  As a graduate of BeST Scoping Techniques, I also have a degree in court reporting and worked as a legal assistant for 15 years.  Every word of your transcript will be read with full, partial, or no audio (whichever you prefer) and I’ll provide particular attention to formatting and spelling while applying punctuation and grammar rules according to Morson’s.   I read notes, perform Internet research for names and spellings and will send you globals.  For rates or additional questions, please contact me at

Comment by Arleen Duckat on June 12, 2017 at 18:51
Hello Reporters, 
   I am a 35-year plus veteran CSR living in Oceanside, CA, trained in Los Angeles, and SCOPING for reporters.  I use CASE CATALYST I have vast experience scoping my own jobs and have been scoping for reporters for over five years now.  I read steno and am familiar with all areas of civil litigation, have a great vocabulary and excellent punctuation skills.  I am conscientious, meticulous, and very prompt.   As a reporter I was a perfectionist, and I continue being so as a scopist.   I am well aware of the bells and whistles involved in reporting and comfortable working with full AudioSync.      
   I will work on the weekends and am available for expedites.  I am looking for overflow, part-time, or full-time work.  I am also open to working with reporters outside my area, in other parts of the country.  My page rates are reasonable, especially for California, and I am regularly very prompt in my turnaround. 
   Please e-mail me at or telephone me at 619.750.2339.   I look forward to hearing from you and working together with you in the future.    Thanks.
     Arleen Duckat

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