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  • Julie Geraty
  • angela howard
  • Brenda Rogers
  • DivaCRStudent
  • K L King
  • Kyung
  • Michael D. Chaney
  • StenoMiss
  • Tracy Revalee

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Official Court Reporter
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Angie's Blog

Will 2009 be any different than 2008?

I don't know about anybody else, but I have BIG plans for 2009. My New Years Resolution is to simplify my life. I've finally gotten there in my life where I realize I don't really need "everything"? I have a wonderful family, a great job and a beautiful home. This year I plan on spending a lot of time with my family, enhancing my court reporting skills and cleaning out my beautiful home -- yes, cleaning out my beautiful home that's full of so much stuff and things we can't even move around in… Continue

Posted on January 2, 2009 at 17:23 — 2 Comments

Why does it take me 4 days to do the last 4 pages???

This is ridiculous. I just can't seem to get through the last pages. Why is that? I'm constantly popping up and down, up and down, getting something to drink, getting something to eat, on the web, off the web, on the web, calling long lost friends -- anything, just about anything instead of getting those last few pages done. Yet, I feel so good once the transcript is done and sent to the client. I have just four pages left to do and guess what? I'm trying out a new thai fried rice recipe. Well,… Continue

Posted on February 18, 2008 at 16:25 — 3 Comments

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At 7:12 on December 13, 2009, Kyung said…
Good luck with your interview. Leave extra early.

Do you do realtime? They're looking for reporters who do realtime. I see you're an official. I'm sure that you'll do fine. If you have a lot of experience in Superior, then you're one leg up on most reporters who just do depositions.

Btw, love the background.
At 23:09 on August 10, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Happy birthday!
At 18:55 on April 18, 2009, Rebecca Callow said…
Hi, Angie!
So sorry it took me like forever to respond to your message. I guess I didn't know about the messages on my home page.

I did come to ACR to do a talk. Nice to hear from you. How are things going for you? Are you still in Michigan and in school or have you moved on? Hope all is going well for you.
At 12:00 on November 7, 2008, Tracy Revalee said…
Hi, Angie!

If you only get "burnout blocks" every three or four months, you're probably doing pretty well.

Yeah, well I'm in scoping school and as soon as I get the software, I think I'll just get on to marketing and not worry too much more about dealing with the person running the school. I don't want to be real specific about that. That fact that it doesn't go well hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for scoping at all.

I'm going to take a deep breath and go w/Eclipse.

Ciao!! P.S. I'm the one on the right.
At 23:50 on November 4, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Well, hello again, dear old friend. I missed you so much. Don't be a stranger, okay? & welcome back. Now, I am just gonna shortly thank you for Obama winning your state. It was such a boost to him. Isn't today a great day for our history? We come a long way. I'm beginning to love all people again as I should've always. I believe we're all finally coming together. The Master must be smiling now and finally breathing that sigh of relief with hope and a sense of "well, it's about time". Anyhow, really did miss you. Take care.
At 13:08 on July 18, 2008, K L King said…
Angie, thank you for your comment, (and I thank Jehovah God) because those words were very encouraging. I really needed to hear them. You're example is an inspiration. If you can do it, I know I'd better try harder. I have to get back on track. I am truly grateful you took out the time to write me back. Please keep in touch. Thank you, Again, Karrie L.
At 16:48 on July 14, 2008, K L King said…
Hi Angie, I am looking for any encouragement as someone who has had to stop and start due to finances and now is sure how to pick up the pieces and get done! Great background song! Well, take Care.
At 8:12 on May 13, 2008, Dale said…
Hi Angie:
Hey, no biggie, thanks for responding anyway. We are all busy.
I have to get back to the fall semester and finish up my last several speed classes. I have been practicing, tho, and getting several times a week in for an hour or more. I then take the notes to work, and on my free time, transcribe them without the software, reading them back, that is.
Say HI to Doreen for me,, I still want to hook up and meet you two.
take care God Bless you both
At 19:47 on April 19, 2008, Dale said…
Hi Angie!
Hey, just wanted to say HI you, wasn't sure if you got my last response.
Gail Stevens (you asked) is still there,, did you have her for an instructor in the past?
I am slowly converting to theory, from Macomb's style. Macomb is a good place to start but I think the theory is a bit long.
What have you been up to?
Tomorrow, at church,I will take down an hour and a half of dictation, for practice, and then transcribe manually, for reading practice.
Take care, God Bless you!
At 15:14 on April 6, 2008, Dale said…
Thanks Angie!
Yes, I practiced today for an hour and a half, and have some more ideas popping in my head as I speak (briefs, etc.) . I took Gregg shorthand back in l970tol972 in High School, and used it every day of my life. So, in a way, I have never left the mindset of shorthand, just applying it now to the machine. No writer's cramp there!
Doreen and I have spoken for over a year, to date, but I have not ever met her. I know some of the same people that she knows. She has also encouraged me to keep it up, using herself as a prime example. She said if she can make it, anybody can. I believe that the mind is trainable and reprogrammable at any time our lungs and hearts are working well, we can learn anything.
Yes, Gail Stevens is still there, she is a RPR student, Merit Writer, but I haven't had her for the upper speed classes yet. I look forward to that. Did you also attend Macomb?
Thanks for your encouragement, I WILL make IT !
Dale Lardie

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