I don't know about anybody else, but I have BIG plans for 2009. My New Years Resolution is to simplify my life. I've finally gotten there in my life where I realize I don't really need "everything"? I have a wonderful family, a great job and a beautiful home. This year I plan on spending a lot of time with my family, enhancing my court reporting skills and cleaning out my beautiful home -- yes, cleaning out my beautiful home that's full of so much stuff and things we can't even move around in it. I have stuff everywhere, things that I just had to have. Do I really need a zillion household cleaners? No. I found out I just need two, my favorites, water and Lysol. That's it. So I'm cleaning out a closet full of cleaners of all sorts. Maybe I'll put them in a box on the curb where anybody can help themselves. How many candles, tea lights, holders, air freshners and anything else that said it would make my house "smell clean and fresh" do I really need? How many cake mixes, cans of tomatoes, soup, taco seasonings -- anything that's on sale for the week that I picked up because it's "good to have these in case I need them" mentality.
Well, do you see where I'm going with this? These are my hopes and apsirations this year -- really exciting isn't it? Yeah, I know. I know of one other person who will be truly happy about this: my husband. If I can accomplish this this year, I truly will have a beautiful home -- inside and out.
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