Kathrynne Campos-Gil
  • Female
  • Monrovia, California
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Kathrynne Campos-Gil's Friends

  • Mary Chmura
  • maria rozum
  • Holly Hanks
  • Sandy Poe-Bush
  • Denise Paddock
  • Mary Ann Taylor
  • Network Deposition Services, Inc
  • Deborah M.
  • Karen Peterson Diaz
  • Karen Cooper
  • Ariela Pastel
  • Andrea M. Ignacio

Kathrynne Campos-Gil's Groups

Kathrynne Campos-Gil's Discussions

Eclipse auto-briefing feature
11 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathrynne Campos-Gil Nov 12, 2009.

Realtime port issue
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathrynne Campos-Gil Oct 20, 2009.


Kathrynne Campos-Gil's Page

Kathrynne Campos-Gil's Blog

How Do You Pair an Apple WIreless Keyboard to a PC ?

Good morning.  Does anyone know what I need to do to pair an Apple wireless keyboard to my PC? I am currently using XP but will also be purchasing a new laptop with Windows 7 that will also need to be paired.

Posted on June 6, 2012 at 6:26 — 2 Comments

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At 7:54 on May 10, 2012, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

I sent you an email. If you don't get it, let me know!

At 6:57 on December 11, 2009, Kathrynne Campos-Gil said…
First of all, Kyung, thank you for your reply. I am working on a daily right now, had tech problems. If you have the time, I would love to talk to you for a minute or two re other issue on Eclipse. I can be reached at (626) 674-6563.
At 6:48 on December 11, 2009, Kyung said…
Sorry. Can't respond to your blog.

I cut and paste all the time. It's not a big deal. As the scopists sends me the section, I save as to the folder where that particular job is. In Eclipse it's important to make sure that each portion that you're getting has a different name.

So you'll have one main file, which has the same name as the audio file so it will sync up. Then as each scopists sends you the section they're working on, I will save it with a slightly different name. If your main file is JohnDoe. Then each file from the scopist will be called JohnDoe1, JohnDoe2, etc. That was you can two files opened, and cut and paste sections from the file into the main file.

Hope that makes sense.

This is also why I break into morning and afternoon sessions. Then I can have two scopists going at the same time. I send morning to scopist A. Afternoon to scopist B, then when I get them back, I can edit. Then I merge the afternoon file into the morning file, and proof.

If you're doing sections at a time, you can't merge unfortunately.
At 13:45 on December 10, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hello, Kathrynne

I deleted your post on the first page because you sent an email blast to all the scopists, I got an email of it. That is where posts for getting a scopist are supposed to be.

The posts on the main page are for discussions, not for getting a scopist. If you really want it there, you can put it back and I won't delete it. I just thought because you sent a message to the scopists, that was what you needed.

You did not put it under "Latest Activity" but you put it under Blog Posts.

At 9:00 on November 12, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

So happy the A/B deal is working for you! My sister and brother are court reporters on Eclipse, so I'm used to ordering them about regarding Eclipse - and other things! Keep posting - we need to get more action in the Eclipse section on this site!
At 19:45 on September 19, 2009, Veronica Iglesias said…
Thanks, Katie! This weekend is kind of busy for me because it's not only my birthday but also my son's on the same day; so he likes to celebrate as much as he can. I'll give you a call on Sunday and let you know how the job went.
Thanks again for all your help!
At 6:20 on May 28, 2009, Sandy Poe-Bush said…
Good morning, Kathrynne! Thank you so much! Do not feel bad in the least about just getting it in the mail! I feel so blessed and am so thankful to you for having it, giving it to me, and sending it! Again, thank you so much! Please let me know how much $ I owe you and where to send it. Or if you'd like me to use PayPal, I can do that, too. Please just let me know. And thank you, thank you, a million thank yous! Blessings, Sandy
At 14:28 on May 22, 2009, Sandy Poe-Bush said…
Oh, and please let me know if you wish me to mail a check or money order to you or whether you would like for me to use PayPal. I will be happy to do whatever you wish! Thanks again! Many Blessings, Sandy
At 14:26 on May 22, 2009, Sandy Poe-Bush said…
Hello, Kathrynne! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day holiday! My address is: 4508 Blue Lake Ct., Fort Worth, TX 76103-1101. You will never know how much I appreciate this! I tell you, you are a Godsend! If there is any way I can ever repay you, please do not hesitate to call on me! I'll do anything that I possibly can for you! As I say, my son and I will be traveling to Wichita Falls, TX, on Saturday for my great niece's birthday party at Jump for Joy, which my understanding is a gigantic bounce house/slide party place. I can only assume that the loud noise factor is going to be tremendous! As I say, I will do my best to keep my phone in my hands, but if I get coaxed into jumping/sliding, please just use your best judgment. I will pay you whatever it costs! So please just use your best judgment. I am just so thankful that you can help me out! Thank you sooooooooo much! Sandy
At 9:02 on May 22, 2009, Sandy Poe-Bush said…
Hey, Kathrynne! I am actually in Fort Worth, Texas. I will be more than happy to compensate you and send you the money asap. I see you have your phone number listed and I will be calling! Thanks so much for all your time and your very, very generous offer! You are a true angel and a real lifesaver! Many blessings! Sandy