Maggie Cline
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Maggie Cline's Friends

  • Trinity Rose
  • Martha Hutchings
  • Aimee Kusar
  • Myra
  • Micki England
  • Evergreen Rufino
  • Kelly Paulson
  • Wendi Thourson
  • Dorothy Wilcox
  • Carrie Ravenscroft
  • Reid Bryce Robbins
  • Karen Peterson Diaz
  • Lisa Puettmann-Hawton
  • Warren Jones
  • Kristine Black Jones

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Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 17:47 on November 17, 2009, cheryl saito said…
sorry for the delay.... just trying to setup my CSR stuff now, in hopes that I pass :) I'll tell her for you... and thanks for the compliment. my mom is great :)
At 13:01 on October 26, 2009, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…
did you see my photos at the bottom of my page??
I got a puppy a year ago, she is now 1 yr and 4 mos.
At 12:54 on October 26, 2009, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…

I'm so glad to hear that you are still involved
in court reporting!!

I occasionally teach the court procedures
class at South Coast College. They moved
to Orange and are located at 57 Fwy and
Chapman Ave.

I am glad to hear that you will have some
grandkids to play with at Halloween!! I had
no idea there were more than a couple
Batman costumes!! But what fun you will have

So you are with ProCat now?? I always liked
their software, it just didn't work so well with
my SmartWriter. But now I have ordered a
Gemini Revolution!! Can't wait to get it.
have a great week!!
and Happy Halloween --the unofficial holiday of family law courts!! HaHaHa
Kathy Hettick
At 17:41 on October 6, 2009, Micki England said…
Hello Maggie, I sure do miss you. You have a very good heart Maggie! Keep the faith.
At 9:27 on August 17, 2009, Micki England said…
Hello Maggie,
It was good to see your beautiful smile.
At 23:22 on August 13, 2009, Carrie Ravenscroft said…
It was great seeing you this evening!!!! Take care!!!
At 22:16 on August 13, 2009, Kelly Paulson said…
Hi Maggie,

Of course I remember you! Ty & I are doing really great and really blessed to have plenty of work!
At 13:16 on August 13, 2009, Aimee Kusar said…
Hi Maggie! I never would have thought you remembered me, it's been soooo long. How are you?
At 14:24 on October 9, 2008, Kristie Wood said…
Hi Maggie,

It's Kristie. I don't know if you remember Michele Ortiz, but she contacted me this week. Her and Donnell had remained friends, and Michele just found out about Donnell's passing last week. So she started a memorial website. I just thought you might like to see the site, and maybe pass it on to the other teachers or students who you know might want to see it. have a good day!
At 15:05 on July 21, 2008, Audrey Ricks said…
Thanks for the compliments on my "kids." Yes, we've seen the Boxer on that show -- he is stunning! They're just big overgrown clowns, really! We just fostered a puppy for a few days -- that was fun (lots of work, but fun). He's off to his new home here in San Diego, and my "M&Ms" are back to thinking it's not the end of the world afterall! (LOL) I love the name Maggie -- she was named that, however, by the rescue center, so I can't claim any credit on that one. I call her "mag-da-lama-ding-dong," truth be told! ;-)